Though TWD franchise is one of the major titles on TV today, not all viewers were dedicated to sticking around for all the ups and downs of the flagship series. There were various reasons viewers decided to quit the show, from the shift in plot to the unpopular character deaths. Some of the audience stayed until controversial aspects of later seasons, while others dropped the series far before the conclusion.
Finding Alexandria Reduced Tension
There are several controversial aspects of The Walking Dead, especially considering the underrated episodes and storylines in the original show. Many fans loved it when the main group reached Alexandria, giving them hope for the future. However, others feel this shift in scenery changed the structure of the narrative too drastically.
The Show Felt Too Divided After the Prison Fell
These episodes between Season 4 and Season 5, when the group was separated and then reunited, which also introduced new allies, began a prominent trend in which there was a significant focus on individual conflicts for characters in addition to their group dynamic. For some fans, this made the storyline too complex and muddled with various subplots, leading to them quitting the series at some point within those two seasons.
Rick Sparing Negan Was Very Controversial
Though he would go on to be a beloved main character and is arguably a redeemed villain, some viewers thought Negan should have died, and Rick was wrong for letting the enemy live. At this point, the morality and complex social dynamic of the show had reached new heights. Some viewers who disliked this plot device became disinterested and were unimpressed with the development of community in the post-apocalyptic world.
The Storyline Felt Boring When the Commonwealth Was Introduced
At the beginning of the show, the main themes of the narrative were survival and the dangers of the zombies overtaking the world. When the Commonwealth came into the picture, it was established that the story had evolved into a complex commentary on morality and political structures. Viewers who enjoyed the basics of this horror series didn't like the focus on post-apocalyptic reconstruction and stopped watching before the finale.
Glenn’s Brutal Death Was Too Harsh
One of the most talked-about reasons viewers stopped watching The Walking Dead is when Glenn Rhee died at the beginning of Season 7. An original long-running character hadn't died in the plot for a while, making the audience believe most of them had plot armor. Though Glenn died in the TV show the same way he did in the comic source material, it was still a disappointment for viewers who hoped this aspect of the original story would be cut from the adaptation.
However, the simple fact that Glenn died wasn't the only reason these fans stopped watching the series. Given how beloved his character was, many viewers found the brutal, gory way he died too disturbing of a finale. The treatment of a character that was known to be a fan favorite isn't abnormal, given the dark themes of TWD, but it was enough to make fans stop watching.
Rick’s “Death” Removed the Main Character
Season 1 of The Walking Dead firmly established Rick as the main character. Though the storyline expanded with each character arc, many viewers still consider him the central character after years of development. Therefore, his "death" was harder to accept than most demises in the flagship TWD series.
The Walkers Became Background Noise
The walkers in this series define it as horror and are the catalyst for the entire storyline. The situation and struggles the characters face are due to the virus that brings corpses back to life. Despite this, as the survivors became more comfortable in their world, the walkers were less of a threat and more of a consistent aspect of the worldbuilding that kept the concept of the overarching scenario relevant.
The Season 6 Finale Was Ridiculous
Season 6's finale, "Last Day on Earth," was Negan's introduction. Though he's a popular character and arguably the most memorable villain, his first episode is one of the most controversial in the fandom. At the end of "Last Day On Earth," when Negan and the Saviors hold the group captive, the audience is left wondering who Negan chose to kill off.
Many Stopped After the Original Finale
There is a group of Walking Dead fans that have never had an interest in the spin-off shows. Despite the original kick-starting a major horror franchise, these viewers remain uninterested in seeing other storylines or the continuation of long-running character's arcs. These fans consider the original series, especially the earlier seasons, the peak of the post-apocalyptic story, and chose to stop watching when it ended.
Carl’s Demise During the Savior’s War Was a Mistake
Carl's demise appeared to be a way to shock the audience and offer a major twist amid the lengthy Saviors War. It successfully broke the hearts of viewers, making them feel the survivors' grief over losing a child they'd all grown to love and protect. However, it was also wildly unpopular, and many fans thought it was a monumental mistake. Carl's death, which had become the representation of hope in this dark series, marked the end of many viewer's interest in the show's continuation.