2 Main Star Trek DS9 Actors Had Already Played Very Similar Roles In TNG


Several Star Trek aliens made their debut on Star Trek: The Next Generation before playing more significant roles on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and a couple were even portrayed by the same actors. TNG set the stage for a new golden era of Star Trekinfluencing almost everything that came after. Some of Star Trek's most famous aliens - like the Vulcans, Klingons, and Romulans - were introduced on Star Trek: The Original Series, but others did not appear until TNG. Several actors have portrayed multiple roles in the Star Trek franchise, and some have even played different characters within the same alien species.

2 Main Star Trek DS9 Actors Had Already Played Very Similar Roles In TNG

Star Trek: The Next Generation took a season or two to find its footing as it worked to figure out what kind of show it was going to be. Even as TNG progressed, there were many elements it was still figuring out, including the looks and cultures of new alien species. Species like the Ferengi and the Cardassians, as well as the Bajorans and the Trill, would be better defined on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, but they got their start on TNG. Armin Shimerman and Marc Alaimo both appeared on TNG before taking on their more famous characters on DS9, and they helped define the Ferengi and the Cardassians.

Armin Shimerman Played TNG Ferengi Before DS9’s Quark

Shimerman Portrayed One Of Star Trek's First Ferengi

Armin Shimerman may be most known to Star Trek fans for portraying the Ferengi bartender Quark on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, but Quark was not the first Ferengi Shimerman played. In TNG season 1, episode 5, "The Last Outpost," Shimerman played one of the first Ferengi to ever appear on screen. By playing one of Star Trek's first Ferengi, Armin Shimerman helped establish some aspects of the species, including their mannerisms. Although the Ferengi were initially meant to be the main adversaries for Captain Picard on TNG, producers felt they came across as too comedic to be scary.

Shimerman also appeared as the Ferengi DaiMon Bractor in TNG season 2, episode 21, "Peak Performance."

The Ferengi of TNG were one-note villains focused almost entirely on profit. Shimerman later expressed regret about the way he portrayed TNG's Ferengi, but he got the chance to redeem himself and the entire Ferengi species as Quark. Quark certainly has a love for gold-pressed latinum, as any self-respecting Ferengi should, but he also cares about his friends. As a central figure throughout DS9's seven seasons, Quark developed into a complex character, and he and his family revealed a lot more about Ferengi culture.

Marc Alaimo Played A TNG Cardassian Before DS9’s Gul Dukat

Alaimo Appeared In TNG's "The Wounded" As Star Trek's First Cardassian

Before he became the villainous Gul Dukat on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Marc Alaimo portrayed Star Trek's first Cardassian on TNG. In TNG season 4, episode 12, "The Wounded," Alaimo played Gul Macet, the commanding officer of the Cardassian warship Trager. Macet visits the Starship Enterprise when a Federation starship begins attacking Cardassian outposts. Not only does "The Wounded" introduce the Cardassians, but it's also one of the first Star Trek episodes to focus on Chief Miles O'Brien (Colm Meaney). O'Brien had served on the USS Rutledge during the Federation-Cardassian War and continued to hold on to his prejudice against Cardassians.

With his commanding performance, Marc Alaimo helped establish the cunning and war-like nature of the Cardassians. Macet remains the only Cardassian seen sporting facial hair and the headgear worn by the Cardassians was never shown again. While some aspects of the Cardassian's appearance differed from TNG to DS9, Macet helped establish the Cardassians' look. Looks aside, Alaimo's Gul Dukat went on to become one of Star Trek's most complex and compelling villains. Alaimo brought the same menacing energy to both Cardassians he played, creating intelligent and formidable villains who could go toe to toe with even the best Starfleet captains.

Other Early Versions Of Star Trek: DS9 Aliens On TNG

The Trill & The Bajorans Made Their Debut On TNG

A handful of other alien species made their debut on Star Trek: The Next Generation before becoming more permanent fixtures on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. In the aptly titled TNG season 2 episode, "Ensign Ro," Ensign Ro Laren (Michelle Forbes) became the first Bajoran to appear in Star TrekThere were plans for Ro to join the cast of DS9, but Michelle Forbes turned down the role that eventually became Major Kira Nirys (Nana Visitor). Ro's characterization on TNG informed Kira as a character and offered insight into the plight of the Bajorans.

Not only is Odan's physical appearance different than that of later Trill, but his relationship with his symbiote seems different as well.

Introduced in TNG season 4, episode 23, "The Host," Star Trek's first Trill was a mediator named Odan (Franc Luz) who developed a romance with Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden). Not only is Odan's physical appearance different than that of later Trill, but his relationship with his symbiote seems different as well. On DS9, Jadzia Dax (Terry Farrell) would gain the spots most associated with the Trill and help define the species and their culture. The Trill, Bajorans, Ferengi, and Cardassians have all become important Star Trek species who were introduced on Star Trek: The Next Generation before being more fully explored on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.