5 Ways Star Trek: Discovery’s Ending Set Up Starfleet Academy



  • Star Trek: Discovery hints at connections to Starfleet Academy in its series finale, leaving some questions unanswered for potential spin-off storylines.
  • Lt. Sylvia Tilly plays a significant role in the future of Starfleet Academy as the longest-tenured instructor, setting up mentorship programs.
  • Star Trek: Discovery's hopeful epilogue suggests a promising future for the Federation and Starfleet, setting the stage for Starfleet Academy's storytelling.

5 Ways Star Trek: Discovery's Ending Set Up Starfleet Academy

Star Trek: Discovery came to a close with its fifth season, but the series finale hinted at several threads that could be picked up in Star Trek: Starfleet Academy. Discovery's series finale, "Life, Itself," resolved the season-long search for the technology of the Progenitors, but also left several questions unanswered, some of which could be resolved in Starfleet Academy. The first Star Trek show to be geared toward a young adult audience, Starfleet Academy will follow a new group of young cadets as they embark on their Starfleet journey and face a threat that could threaten the entire United Federation of Planets.

With Star Trek: Discovery's ending left many characters' stories feel somewhat unfinished. As Starfleet Academy has been confirmed to take place in Star Trek: Discovery's 32nd century, it's likely at least a few characters from Discovery will make an appearance at some point. Lt. Sylvia Tilly (Mary Wiseman) seems like the most obvious choice for a crossover, as she is already an instructor at Starfleet Academy and cares deeply about the young cadets. With the Federation and Starfleet still recovering from the Burn, the Academy will serve as a beacon of hope, not only for young cadets but for the Federation as a whole.

5 Star Trek: Discovery Established Tilly Teaches At Starfleet Academy For A Long Time

"Did she tell you that, as of last week, she is officially the longest-tenured Academy instructor ever?"

Star Trek: Discovery ended with a surprising epilogue that revealed a few things about the future of the Federation and Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green). These scenes not only reveal that Burnham and Cleveland Booker (David Ajala) eventually settled down and started a family, but also that Tilly became the longest-tenured instructor at Starfleet Academy. This almost guarantees that Tilly will be a part of Discovery's upcoming spin-off and that she will become a fixture of the Academy moving forward.

Way back in Star Trek: Discovery season 1, Tilly had dreams of being a Starship Captain one day, but she reevaluated her future after the USS Discovery's jump to the 32nd century. With some help from Dr. Hugh Culber (Wilson Cruz), Tilly found her new calling while leading a group of Starfleet cadets on an away mission that turned dangerous. Tilly went on to become an Academy instructor, though she noticed that some of the cadets were struggling to find their place. Throughout its final season, Discovery has dropped several hints about Tilly and her cadets, setting her up to be a significant character on Starfleet Academy.

4 Star Trek: Discovery Proved The Federation Needs A New Generation

"Go get that swagger on in outer space."

With the introduction of Commander Rayner (Callum Keith Rennie) to the USS Discovery's crew, Star Trek: Discovery highlighted the differences between the older generation and the newer one. Rayner served in Starfleet during a period of conflict and devastation in the aftermath of the Burn, but the Federation needs a new kind of leader to move forward. Because Captain Burnam and Discovery came from a different era, they more easily adapted to the Federation's new normal. Young people, too, often prove to be more adaptable and willing to experiment with new ideas.

Ensign Adira Tal (Blu del Barrio), for example, has truly come into their own since their introduction in Star Trek: Discovery season 3, and they proved invaluable in Discovery's hunt for the Progenitors' technology. Whether or not Adira has a presence on Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, the Federation will definitely need cadets like them to build a future. During the aftermath of the Burn, Starfleet was worried about survival, but young people like Adira can help Starfleet get back to its roots of exploration. In the real world today, young people are often the first to stand up and fight for change, and Starfleet Academy seems poised to reflect this hopeful outlook.

3 Dr. Kovich Has Plans That Could Impact Starfleet Academy

"My real name is a bit of a Red Directive in and of itself."

Star Trek: Discovery couldn't end without checking back in with Dr. Kovich (David Cronenberg), and the mysterious Federation official did not disappoint. After Moll (Eve Harlow) finally gives up her quest, she is taken into Federation custody, but Kovich apparently has plans for the renegade former courier. Tight-lipped as ever, Kovich only says that Moll is a "capable individual" who could "prove useful," before dropping a bombshell about himself. When Captain Burnham asks about Kovich's real name, he reveals himself to be Agent Daniels, the temporal agent introduced in Star Trek: Enterprise.

Kovich's identity as the time-traveling Daniels opens up a new world of possibilities in terms of possible storylines for Starfleet Academy. Kovich could recruit Moll (and potentially Starfleet cadets) for top-secret time-traveling missions to preserve the past or prevent catastrophe. Even if time travel is not involved, Kovich could still lurk in the corners of Starfleet Academy, searching for potential recruits for other top-secret missions. It would be a shame for Star Trek to abandon Kovich after this jaw-dropping reveal, and the possibilities are endless for his role in Starfleet Academy.

2 Tilly Is Starting A Mentorship Program At Starfleet Academy (With Rayner?)

"That one-on-one connection, it made me realize, that is what we’re missing..."

In one of Star Trek: Discovery's final scenes, Admiral Saru (Doug Jones) marries Ni'Var President T'Rina (Tara Rosling) in a beautiful wedding ceremony. As Discovery's crew members mingle during the reception, Tilly reveals that Burnham's sometimes contentious relationship with Commander Rayner inspired her to start a mentorship program at Starfleet Academy. Again, this almost guarantees that Tilly will be a part of the upcoming show, but it also suggests that Rayner could as well. Rayner may come from a different era, but he has years of experience and knowledge he could share with Starfleet cadets.

Callum Keith Rennie made quite an impression as Commander Rayner, and it would be a shame to lose him after only one season of Discovery.

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy will reportedly be funnier than other live-action Star Trek shows, and Rayner and Tilly have a wonderful dynamic that could certainly add to that. Whether or not Rayner returns in Starfleet Academy,Tilly's mentorship program opens the door for almost any Discovery character to make an appearance. From Discovery's first season to now, the crew of the USS Discovery has been through more than most Starship crews, and all of them would have a lot to offer aspiring cadets.

1 Star Trek: Discovery Showed A Hopeful Future For The Federation

"The Federation has so many wonderful possibilities ahead..."

In Star Trek:Discovery season 5's epilogue, Michael Burnham has become a four-star Admiral and Leto Burnham (Sawandi Wilson), her son with Cleveland Booker, has just been promoted to Captain. This bodes well for the future of Starfleet and the Federation. Admiral Charlies Vance (Oded Fehr) and Tilly both still have positions at Starfleet Academy, and Starfleet is continuing to embark on new missions of exploration. Plus, Starfleet has had the time to change their uniforms yet again, which also suggests a period of relative peace.

Burnham and Booker's son, Leto, is named after Booker's nephew who was killed when Kwejian was destroyed.

Following her marriage to Saru, President T'Rina remarks: "Now, I see all who are here, and I cannot help but think of the Progenitors, our shared ancestor. A reminder that we are all, in the most fundamental ways, connected." Not only does this feel like Star Trek: Discovery's ultimate message, but it also presents a hopeful future for the Federation. The marriage of two Federation officials who come from vastly different backgrounds can only be a positive omen for Starfleet's future. Star Trek: Discovery has laid the foundation for Star Trek: Starfleet Academy to tell a story of young cadets facing an uncertain future with wonder and hope.​​​ And nothing feels more Star Trek than that.