From Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin Green) to Captain Carol Freeman (Dawnn Lewis), almost every modern Star Trek captain has their own unique warp command. On Star Trek: The Next Generation, Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) became known for saying "engage" when the USS Enterprise-D went to warp speed, and a Star Trek tradition was born. While Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) regularly ordered his Enterprise to go to warp, he did not have one specific warp command in the way that many other Trek captains have.
Aside from Captain Picard, giving each starship captain their own catchphrase is mostly a phenomenon of modern Star Trek. Beginning with Star Trek: Discovery, modern Trek has acknowledged warp catchphrases in universe, and new captains will often try out different phrases. While this can feel a bit too self-indulgent, it can also be a fun shoutout to the Star Trek of the past and a unique way for captains to distinguish themselves. As with Captain Picard's "make it so," many of these phrases perfectly fit the characters who use them.
7“Let’s Fly” — Captain Michael Burnham
Star Trek: Discovery
Michael Burnham did not begin Star Trek: Discovery as a captain, but, over the course of the show, she grew into a competent and compassionate commander. With Burnham's fierce optimism and passionate approach to command, "Let's fly" feels like the perfect warp command for her.
She first uses this phrase at the end of Discovery season 3, after Burnham and her crew helped solve the mystery of the Burn. The arrival of the USS Discovery in the 32nd century helped bring hope back to Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets, and Burnham's warp phrase perfectly leads into her future adventures.
6“Hit It!” — Captain Christopher Pike
Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
Anson Mount's Captain Christopher Pike made his debut in Star Trek: Discovery season 2 and instantly became a hit with fans. It didn't take long for Paramount to greenlight a spin-off following Captain Pike and his crew aboard the USS Enterprise, and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds was born.
While in command of Discovery, Saru (Doug Jones) once tried out Pike's warp command, but it didn't quite have the same effect.
"Hit it" may be a simple warp command, but it fits Captain Pike well, and feels appropriately punchy for kicking off the various adventures of the Starship Enterprise. Pike remains as dynamic as ever on Strange New Worlds, and his warp catchphrase might just become as iconic as Captain Picard's "make it so."
5“Warp Me!” — Captain Carol Freeman
Star Trek: Lower Decks
In Star Trek: Lower Decks' five seasons on Paramount+, it delivered some of Star Trek's funniest moments and acted as a love letter to the franchise as a whole. Captain Carol Freeman dealt with a lot of chaos as captain of the USS Cerritos, and she put some thought into developing her warp catchphrase.
Star Trek: Lower Decks ends with the establishment of a stable wormhole to the multiverse, with Starbase 80 set up to monitor the wormhole's entrance.
Although Freeman also tried out "It's warp time," "Warp me" was the command that stuck. Slightly ridiculous and a little cheeky, this phrase fits perfectly with the tone of Lower Decks and Captain Freeman's personality. While Captain Freeman takes her job seriously, she also acknowledges the absurdity of the situations in which the Cerritos often finds itself.
4“Engage The Core!” — Captain Jack Ransom
Star Trek: Lower Decks![Star Trek Lower Decks season 5 finale Captain Jack Ransom 2]()
In the Star Trek: Lower Decks season 5 finale, Captain Carol Freeman leaves the USS Cerritos to command the newly vital Starbase 80. Jack Ransom (Jerry O'Connell) gets promoted to captain and takes over command of the USS Cerritos, making Lts. Brad Boimler (Jack Quaid) and Beckett Mariner (Tawny Newsome) his provisional first officers.
Ransom wastes no time coming up with his own warp command, ultimately deciding to go with “Engage the core," eliciting groans from both Boimler and Mariner. Considering Ransom's obsession with working out and his own physique, the writers of Lower Decks could not have come up with a more perfect catchphrase.
3“¡Ándale!” — Captain Cristóbal Rios
Star Trek: Picard![captain cristobal rios pilots la sirena star trek picard seat belt]()
Whether in command of his own ship, La Sirena, or Starfleet's USS Stargazer, Captain Cristóbal Rios (Santiago Cabrera) has a more laid-back command style than many Star Trek captains. This is reflected in his short and sweet warp catchphrase, which broadly translates to "go ahead" or "do it" in English.
At one point, he lovingly mocks Admiral Picard by saying "make it so," but Rios generally uses “¡Ándale!” or "¡Dale!" as his warp command of choice. However, after Star Trek: Picard season 2, he will have to find another way to incorporate this catchphrase into his everyday life, as he won't be flying many starships in the 21st century.
2“Ready? On My Mark! Go Fast!” — Dal R’El
Star Trek: Prodigy
Star Trek: Prodigy's Dal R’El (Brett Gray) may not officially be a captain, but he steps up to take command of the USS Protostar, ultimately helping save the entire Federation. Dal acts like a captain when his ragtag crew needs a leader, and they rally around him when he doubts himself.
As a teenager, Dal's still figuring things out, but he knows he likes going fast, so his warp catchphrase makes perfect sense. By the end of Prodigy season 2, Dal steps down to be the acting first officer under Gwyndala's (Ella Purnell) command, recognizing that he still has some things to learn.
1“???” — Captain Seven of Nine
Star Trek: Picard
At the end of Star Trek: Picard season 3, Starfleet promotes Jeri Ryan's Seven of Nine to captain and gives her command of the newly rechristened USS Enterprise-G. Unfortunately, the episode cuts off before we get to hear Seven's warp command, but it will surely be a good one.
It remains to be seen whether we will ever see Captain Seven's adventures aboard the USS Enterprise, as Star Trek: Legacy seems less and less likely. Still, anything is possible, and Star Trek could always find another way to reveal Seven's warp command. Seven has certainly come a long way since her "resistance is futile" days, and she deserves her own unique Star Trek catchphrase.