Did Jake Sisko Accidentally Start Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's Dominion War?



  • Jake Sisko's DS9 season 2 camping trip in the Gamma Quadrant didn't solely start the Dominion War.
  • The Dominion's hostility towards outsiders made the war in Star Trek: DS9 inevitable.
  • Encroachment in the Gamma Quadrant by Alpha Quadrant characters led to conflict with the Dominion.

Did Jake Sisko Accidentally Start Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's Dominion War?

Did Jake Sisko (Cirroc Lofton) accidentally start the Dominion War in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 2? Early in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's run, the Dominion were known to only a few Star Trek: Deep Space Nine characters who had political dealings with the Gamma Quadrant. The Dominion were first mentioned as the mysterious power that drives the Gamma Quadrant in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 2, episode 7, "Rules of Acquisition", when Grand Nagus Zek (Wallace Shawn) sends Quark (Armin Shimerman) to the Gamma Quadrant to open trade routes on behalf of the Ferengi Alliance.

In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 2, episode 26, "The Jem'Hadar", Jake Sisko needs to choose a science project for himself and his best friend Nog (Aron Eisenberg). After Jake's botanical studies and requests to learn how to pilot a runabout are shot down by Jake's father, Commander Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks), Jake decides that a camping trip to the Gamma Quadrant would make a great project. Commander Sisko agrees, and accompanies Jake and Nog -- and last-minute addition Quark -- to an M-class planet in the Gamma Quadrant for the boys' planetary survey project. Unfortunately, the planet isn't quite as uninhabited as Jake thought.

Jake Sisko's Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Science Project Provoked the Dominion

Commander Sisko Was Vulnerable While Camping In The Gamma Quadrant

Jake Sisko's science project in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 2, episode 26, "The Jem'Hadar", had the unfortunate consequence of provoking the Dominion. While Jake and Nog are performing their planetary survey, Benjamin Sisko and Quark encounter Eris (Molly Hagan), a Vorta who pretends to be captured by Jem'Hadar soldiers along with Sisko and Quark. Eris explains that the Jem'Hadar are the Dominion's soldiers, and the Dominion's Founders are not to be crossed. While this is helpful information, Eris' ruse also lets the Dominion learn more about the Federation from Sisko, which lets the Dominion determine whether to consider the Federation a threat.

During the first two seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the Dominion are biding their time. While observing the comings and goings through the Bajoran wormhole, the Dominion wait to see if anyone from the Alpha Quadrant will actually interfere with the Dominion's chokehold on the Gamma Quadrant. Commander Sisko is one of the first Federation members that the Dominion have the opportunity to observe and question, and Sisko's captor, Third Talak'talan of the Jem'Hadar (Cress Williams) intends to make Sisko "an example" to everyone in the Alpha Quadrant. None of that would have happened if Jake Sisko had stuck with observing Bajoran katterpod plants for his science experiment.

DS9's Dominion War Was Inevitable Even Without Jake Sisko's Camping Trip

Don't Blame Jake Sisko; The Dominion Hated All Outsiders


The Dominion War in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was inevitable, so Jake Sisko's camping trip at the end of DS9 season 2 can't bear 100% of the blame for starting the war. After the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole opened the Gamma Quadrant to exploration, characters from the Alpha Quadrant repeatedly ventured into the Gamma Quadrant throughout Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's first 2 seasons. Between Starfleet officers making scientific expeditions, Bajoran civilians setting up new settlements, and Ferengi seeking to expand their income streams, it's no surprise that the Dominion felt that their territory was being encroached upon by outside forces.

The Dominion's objective to rule the Gamma Quadrant through fear and control was always going to clash with the United Federation of Planets' goal of cooperation through unity. As soon as these two forces came into contact with one another, their disparate ideologies were always going to clash, so any peaceful mission from the Alpha Quadrant was just as likely to provoke the Dominion forces. In "The Jem'Hadar", the Dominion reveal that they've destroyed multiple ships from the Alpha Quadrant, including the USS Odyssey. Many trips to the Gamma Quadrant ultimately caused the Dominion War in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; Jake Sisko's camping trip was only one of them.