Emmitt Smith has harsh words for Dallas Cowboys fan base


Emmitt Smith is one of the most popular players Dallas Cowboys fans have ever had the pleasure of rooting for. He remains the No. 1 rusher in NFL history and helped America's Team win three Super Bowls in the 1990s.

Emmitt Smith has harsh words for Dallas Cowboys fan base

Despite his deep ties to the franchise, Smith has had no problem criticizing the team when they're not playing well. He's also willing to let the fans know when they're being unreasonable, which happened when he spoke with Mackenzie Salmon of USA Today recently.

Salmon asked Smith if he thinks Cowboys fans should be worried about their team's chances of success this season. His answer was brutally honest as he not only said they should be worried, but that the fan base is oftentimes misguided and led by emotions.

Smith said they "Got caught up going against the Cleveland Browns," believing they were going to be a dominant team without looking at the quality of the opponent they were facing.

He said using emotion rather than knowledge had fans expecting a much better performance against the New Orleans Saints, who Smith clearly believes is a superior opponent to Cleveland.

Cowboys fans aren't alone when it comes to emotions

Smith is correct that Dallas fans are led by their emotions but if we're being honest, that's true of every fan base.

It's rare to find a group of fans that doesn't have inflated expectations for their team, especially after a lopsided win. For some reason, however, only Cowboys fans get picked on for buying the hype and wishing for the best for their team.

That being the case, that hype will get out of control if they pull off a win over the Baltimore Ravens in Week 3 — which is part of the fun of being a fan.