Former Cowboys rival defends Micah Parsons in Malik Hooker feud


For years, the Dallas Cowboys have been coming up short of expectations in the postseason, and recently, even the addition of superstar linebacker Micah Parsons hasn’t been enough to get them over the hump. Shockingly enough, if you ask one of his teammates in safety Malik Hooker, Parsons could actually be one of the main problems for the Cowboys right now.

During the 2023 campaign, Parsons began hosting his own podcast “The Edge with Micah Parsons.” It’s a move that many athletes around the world have begun to make, but Hooker thinks that Parsons’ podcast is becoming detrimental to his success on the field. Another former star pass rusher in Chris Long, who has his own successful podcast caught wind of this take, and quickly claimed that Hooker’s take was absurd.

“To the contention that a podcast is getting in the way of Dallas’ success, just looking outside looking in, I don’t think that’s the case. I don’t think Micah Parsons’ podcast lost that Green Bay game. I don’t think Micah Parsons’ podcast got the ball run up your a** when Buffalo thumped you week whatever it was and I won like 10 grand. I don’t think Micah Parsons is the problem in Dallas, if you want to make Micah Parsons the problem in Dallas don’t make it about the podcast okay.”

“If there’s something, and there could well be something internally going on interpersonally between teammates or factions of teammates because this is the way this stuff goes. The issue could be interpersonal and the podcast is just an extension of it, because I don’t think the podcast is creating any sort of distraction.” – Chris Long, Green Light Podcast with Chris Long

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This would be an eye-opening take on its own, but the fact that it’s coming from Parsons’ own teammate in Hooker is even more shocking. Rarely do teammates ever publicly start some sort of feud with each other in the public eye, but that appears to be exactly what is happening here, which could present some issues down the line for Dallas.

Long doesn’t buy into the notion that Parsons’ podcast is impacting his play on the field, or the overall play of the Cowboys. These guys are professionals, and simply put, Parsons would not be able to be the superstar he is without putting in the work behind the scenes that he needs to. If he wants to start his own podcast as a hobby, it’s no different than a guy playing video games in his down time as an example.

Whatever the reason may be for this brewing beef, the Cowboys are going to want to handle it sooner rather than later, or else they could have a real issue on their hands that may carry onto the field next season. Parsons is going to be a star regardless of whether or not he hosts his own podcast, and it should be clear that if Dallas wants to win a Super Bowl, they have some bigger fish to fry than these petty issues.