Former NFL Player Furious With Titans' Uniform Choice On Sunday


In case you were wondering, Brock Vereen doesn't care for the Tennessee Titans still wearing the Houston Oilers throwbacks — especially when they play the Texans.

This weekend the former NFL safety-turned-CBS analyst harshly criticized the Titans' uniform decision on "That Other Pregame Show." Likening the situation to a toxic ex and saying he hopes the Texans win by a thousand.

"We try to remain neutral around here, but I'll be as frank as possible," Vereen began. 'I hope the Titans lose by 1,000 points today. The audacity, the gall to wear the Oilers uniforms, representing the team that you decided to stop being, and wearing them versus the city you abandoned."

"This is like if an ex packed up and fled in the middle of the night, but still sent you a holiday card once a year," Vereen claimed. "C.J. Stroud, you may not be playing the whole game, but I speak for every Houstonian, and every fan of sport with any decency, any couth, when I say 'Destroy them.' Today, we are all Texans."

Tennessee brought back the "Luv Ya Blue" unis last season when the league made its long-awaited change to the helmet rule after 10 years only allowing teams to have one shell. In that time, the Titans have broken out the look once against the Falcons and twice against Houston.

Tennessee owning the Oilers throwbacks has been a point of contention among fans since Bud Adams moved the team following the 1996 season. And its pretty refreshing to see someone crystallize those feelings as well as Vereen did in Week 18.

Vereen played two seasons with the Chicago Bears after growing up in California and spending his college career at the University of Minnesota — so he's speaking as an unbiased observer.

But it's hard to argue that it isn't a little bit dirty for Tennessee to be rubbing Houston's beloved history in its face.