Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton) is most remembered as the Chief Engineer of the USS Enterprise-D on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Throughout his Starfleet career, La Forge proved himself to be a brilliant engineer who came to know the Enterprise-D's engines better than anyone. On numerous occasions, Geordi kept the ship running even when the odds were stacked against him. Born blind, Geordi never let his disability slow him down, and his VISOR often provided useful insight during away missions, as it allowed him to see across the electromagnetic spectrum.
Soon after joining the Enterprise crew, Geordi became friends with Lt. Commander Data (Brent Spiner), and the two regularly spent their off hours together. Data, in particular, enjoyed pretending to be Sherlock Holmes on the holodeck with Geordi as his Dr. Watson. Geordi was one of the most influential figures in Data's quest to become human, as he saw Data as a friend first and an android second. La Forge looked up to greats like warp drive creator Zefram Cochrane (James Cromwell) and USS Enterprise NCC-1701 Chief Engineer Lt. Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (James Doohan), both of whom he eventually got to meet.
Geordi’s Life Before Star Trek: TNG (2335-2364)
Geordi La Forge Was Born In Somalia In 2335

Geordi La Forge was born in 2335 in Mogadishu, Somalia to parents Captain Silva La Forge (Madge Sinclair) and Commander Edward M. La Forge (Ben Vereen). Both of Geordi's parents were in Starfleet, and his father was a noted exo-zoologist. Because of their Starfleet careers, Geordi's parents sometimes lived apart from one another, working on various missions. Geordi spent time with both of them, living in the Modean system while his father studied invertebrates and near the Romulan Neutral Zone when his mother was stationed there.
Geordi was born blind and received his first VISOR when he was a young boy. When he was around five years old, Geordi was trapped inside a burning building, and although he was rescued quickly, the experience stuck with him into adulthood. La Forge entered Starfleet Academy in 2353 and graduated in 2357 with specialties in antimatter power and dilithium regulators. Before joining the USS Enterprise-D crew, Geordi served aboard the USS Victory and the USS Hood.
Geordi Was Chief Engineer Of USS Enterprise-D In Star Trek: TNG (2364-2371)
Geordi Remains One Of Star Trek's Best Engineers
When Geordi La Forge was assigned to the USS Enterprise-D in 2364, he initially served as the Conn Officer before becoming Chief Engineer in 2365 at the beginning of Star Trek: The Next Generation season 2. Although La Forge proved himself a capable leader and an intelligent officer in TNG season 1, he truly came into his own as Chief Engineer of the Enterprise. Whenever the Galaxy Class starship encountered engine problems, La Forge would not rest until he found a solution. He knew the Enterprise-D extremely well and often came up with out-of-the-box fixes. La Forge also looked out for Data, handling any problems that arose in the android's positronic brain.
As proven in episodes like "The Enemy" and "I, Borg," Geordi was also incredibly compassionate and open-minded, never letting prejudice get the better of him.
Although Geordi was kind and friendly, he did not have good luck when it came to romance. In Star Trek: The Next Generation season 3, Geordi developed feelings for a hologram of Dr. Leah Brahms (Susan Gibney), which led to an uncomfortable encounter when the real Brahms visited the Enterprise the following year. In one notable incident, La Forge was presumed dead in 2368, when he and Ensign Ro Laren (Michelle Forbes) found themselves out of phase with the rest of the universe. Thanks to Data's keen observation, Geordi and Ro were eventually restored.
Geordi In Star Trek: TNG’s 4 Movies (2371-2379)
Geordi Played A Role In All 4 TNG Movies
In Star Trek Generations, set in 2371, Dr. Tolian Soran (Malcolm McDowell) kidnapped Geordi and hid a spying device in his VISOR. The Klingons used this spy device to learn the USS Enterprise-D's shield frequency, allowing them to bypass the ship's shields. Although the Enterprise crew managed to destroy the Klingon Bird-of-Prey, a coolant leak led to a warp core breach which ultimately destroyed the Enterprise-D. La Forge then transferred with the rest of the senior staff to the Sovereign Class USS Enterprise-E in 2372.
Sometime between Star Trek Generations and Star Trek: First Contact, Geordi traded his VISOR for ocular implants.
In 2373, La Forge traveled back in time with the USS Enterprise-E in Star Trek: First Contact, following a Borg sphere back to 2063. Geordi then beamed down to Earth to help Zefram Cochrane repair his ship, the Phoenix, and complete Earth's first successful warp flight. Two years later, in Star Trek: Insurrection, La Forge accompanied the Enterprise to Ba'ku, where he temporarily gained natural sight due to the unique properties of the planet. Geordi then helped activate B-4 (Brent Spiner) in Star Trek: Nemesis and later helped Data save Picard, an act of self-sacrifice that resulted in Data's death.
Geordi’s Life After Star Trek: TNG (2379-2401)
Geordi Climbed Quickly Through Starfleet's Ranks After TNG

Sometime after the events of Star Trek: Nemesis, Geordi La Forge married his as-yet-unknown wife and fathered two daughters: Sidney (Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut) and Alandra (Mica Burton). At some point, La Forge left the Enterprise to oversee the construction of the Romulan rescue fleet at the Utopia Planitia Ship Yards on Mars. The Romulan sun went supernova in 2387, destroying Romulus and many of the surrounding planets.
In the years leading up to the supernova, Admiral Picard led a massive effort to relocate as many Romulans as possible before their planet was destroyed. Geordi helped by coordinating the construction of ships, presumably until the Attack on Mars in 2385 put a stop to the rescue efforts. Rogue synthetics attacked Mars on First Contact Day when only a skeleton crew was present. La Forge was presumably not on Mars when the synths turned on Starfleet.
Geordi Is A Commodore In Star Trek: Picard Season 3 (2401-2402)
Geordi Reunited With His Old Crew In Star Trek: Picard Season 3
Geordi La Forge made his triumphant return to Star Trek in Star Trek: Picard season 3, joining the rest of the original Enterprise-D crew. Now a Commodore and Head Curator at the Fleet Museum on Athan Prime, Geordi gets pulled into helping Admiral Picard thanks to his daughters. Geordi soon reveals that he has spent the last twenty years painstakingly rebuilding and restoring the USS Enterprise-D to its former glory. Geordi's foresight ends up saving the day, as the Enterprise-D is the only ship unaffected by the Borg/Changeling plot to destroy Starfleet.
Geordi commands the Enterprise-D while Data expertly pilots it through an intricate Borg cube.
La Forge helps Data take control of the Daystrom Android M-5-10 and finally reunites with his best friend. Data and Geordi then prove vital in the mission to thwart the Borg/Changeling plot, as Geordi commands the Enterprise-D while Data expertly pilots it through an intricate Borg cube to rescue their friends. La Forge ensures that the Enterprise-D will have a place of honor at the Fleet Museum and later joins his friends for a game of poker. With his passion for engineering and his good-natured personality, Geordi La Forge remains one of Star Trek: The Next Generation's most beloved characters, as well as a brilliant engineer.