How good of a fighter would Mike Tyson had been had he never met Cus D'Amato? Had he been trained by the likes of Angelo Dundee, Ray Arcel or Emmanuel Steward would he have been the same caliber of fighter which he became?


The likes of Emmanuel Steward could've still made Tyson a freak he was . I know many might think how because Cus D'Amato is the one who helped Tyson use his power in the boxing ring, he developed and changed him to a disciplined freak he was etc, but remember that Steward trained the likes of Thomas Hearns who had a N'Gannou power.

How good of a fighter would Mike Tyson had been had he never met Cus D'Amato?  Had he been trained by the likes of Angelo Dundee, Ray Arcel or Emmanuel  Steward would

Emanuel Steward on Hearns development “Hearns hadn’t been a puncher in the amateurs, so I deliberately gave him some easy touches in his first few pro outings to build his confidence in his own power. It obviously worked, because Tommy would become one of the sport’s most fearsome bangers, especially with that long right cross. I have never thought of Tommy as just a puncher. He does everything based upon his left jab, everything works off . He doesn't just come at you. He's a boxer and he also hits hard. To me, though, he is basically a boxer.”

Emanuel Steward for example transitioned heavyweight champions like Hearn, Lewis etc, into boxing wonders. I know that Tyson might have a different upbringing when compared to the likes of Ali or Lewis, but due to his attributes and other physical features he had, they (likes of Dundee…) could've made him what Mr D'Amato did to Tyson based on their coaching abilities despite different coaching techniques they might had like D’Amato’s approach which was different to most trainers and how he made developed Tyson.

Obedience was one of Tyson’s keys when he got used to Cus which is obvious that he could have been on the likes of the trainers mentioned. Cus D'Amato was strict just like these trainers were -.

I believe that his reigning would've been longer if these coaches were there in the 90s - 00s since Cus left the world before Tyson got the world wide recognition. I'm saying this based on the downhill we all know that Tyson went through after he lost Cus. The trainers he got thereafter were not on the level the likes of Steward or Dundee. Hope you all get what I mean.