I Hoрe Strаnge New Worlds Seаson 3 Solves Tһe Mystery Of Kіrk's Otһer Stаr Trek Sһір


I hope Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 solves a mystery surrounding the starship Lieutenant James T. Kirk (Paul Wesley) serves on. In Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3, Paul Wesley is slated to return as Lt. Kirk, the younger version of William Shatner's Captain James T. Kirk in Star Trek: The Original Series. Although Kirk is a frequent and welcome visitor to Captain Christopher Pike's (Anson Mount) USS Enterprise, Jim does technically belong aboard a different starship.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' Captain Kirk Actor Calls Him a 'Cool Nerd'

In Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2, Lt. Kirk was promoted to First Officer of the USS Farragut. Kirk's impressive new posting beat his father, Lt. George Kirk's, record as Starfleet's youngest First Officer. The USS Farragut was commanded by Captain Garrovick before a tragic encounter with a dikironium cloud creature in 2257. The monster killed half of the Farragut's crew, including Captain Garrovick - but who replaced Garrovick as Captain of the Farragut?

Who Is Captain Of USS Farragut In Star Trek: Strange New Worlds?

Captain Garrovick Died Years Before Strange New Worlds

USS Farragut

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds begins in 2259, and the USS Farragut has been seen a handful of times in the prequel series. However, Strange New Worlds hasn't indicated who the Captain of the Farragut is, and this is hopefully something Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 will reveal. In Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2, episode 6, "Lost in Translation," the Farragut was placed under the command of Fleet Captain Pike, but this only deepened the mystery of who sits in the Farragut's center seat.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 1's finale, "A Quality of Mercy," created an alternate future timeline where James T. Kirk was Captain of the USS Farragut instead of the Enterprise. If Strange New Worlds season 3 reveals the Farragut Captain's identity, it's likely that it will be a new character. However, there is also a handful of existing 23rd-century Captains from Star Trek: The Original Series who could conceivably command the Farragut in Strange New Worlds season 3's timeframe.


Captain Garrovick’s Son Is In Star Trek: The Original Series

Ensign David Garrovick Influenced A World In Star Trek: Prodigy

Star Trek Obsession David Garrovick 1

The unseen Captain Garrovick's son, Ensign David Garrovick (Stephen Brooks), served on the USS Enterprise in Star Trek: The Original Series. Introduced in Star Trek: The Original Series season 2, episode 18, "Obsession," the newly-transferred Ensign Garrovick and Captain Kirk encountered the same dikironium cloud creature that attacked the USS Farragut in 2257. After Kirk and Garrovick destroyed the creature, the Captain told David a few "tall tales" about his father.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 could add to the Garrovicks' and Farragut's legacies.

Star Trek: Prodigy season 1, episode 13, "All the World's a Stage" revealed that sometime after destroying the dikironium cloud creature, Ensign David Garrovick crashed the shuttlecraft Galileo on Planet 0042692. The planet's inhabitants patterned themselves after "En-Son" Garrovick and the Starship Enterprise, dubbing themselves the Enderprizians. David Garrovick didn't serve on the USS Farragut like his father, but Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 could add to the Garrovicks' and Farragut's legacies.