Unfortunately, Grant’s season has been unexpectedly dull. He comes across as unfocused and indecisive, which prevents him from establishing a clear front-runner. All of Grant’s dates followed the same pattern of a perfect evening that was entirely forgotten by the next day. As the season winds down, I’m realizing Grant’s inherent kindness prevents him from being the type of lead we need, and my focus is already shifting to the next season.
The Bachelor Season 29 Is Kind Of Boring Overall
The Lack Of Romance Makes For Low-Stakes Drama
As Grant struggled to find his footing, the burden fell on the women to keep things interesting. The drama began early in the season with Zoe McGrady’s brazen decision to whisk Grant away during a group date, resulting in the other women teaming up against her. Carolina Quixano soon followed the same pattern, demanding Grant’s time and becoming defensive and hostile when confronted.
Grant Didn't Seem Very Into The Process
He Wasn’t Assertive Enough
Part of Grant’s challenge was his inability to preserve the integrity of The Bachelor’s process. He allowed women to steal him away, creating an imbalance in their ability to access him. Grant’s failure to speak up during these moments resulted in the offenders being essentially rewarded by getting extra time with him.
This unequal distribution of quality time contributed to Grant’s lack of deep connections. Zoe advanced to hometowns without ever receiving a one-on-one date with Grant. While he claimed he was confident about his feelings for her without a solo date, it felt awkward to see them attempt to connect for the first time so far into the competition. I’m unsure how Grant can expect to find true love if he doesn’t fully engage in the experience.
Grant Is Too Subdued To Be A Captivating Lead
He Seems Overwhelmed By His Options
It’s hard to get invested in a story with the knowledge that even the lead feels completely unsure.
The trailer for the season 29 finale confirms that Grant will continue to second-guess himself in the minutes leading up to the final rose ceremony. It’s hard to get invested in a story with the knowledge that even the lead feels completely unsure. Grant has wonderful potential as a husband, but he’s not the best fit for The Bachelor. With Grant and viewers struggling to make it through the season, I, for one, am glad it’s almost over.