I've Change My Mind, I Think Grant Ellis Was Right To Send Carolina Home (She Was The Seasons Villain)


The Bachelor is known for dramatic outbursts and rivalries, but no other contestant has been as controversial as Carolina Sofia. Carolina entered the mansion and intended to maintain Grant Ellis’ attention, no matter the cost. She and Grant have undoubtedly found a spark, but Carolina's constant problems with the other women have distracted her from the show’s goal of falling in love. While the other women have made the best out of a challenging environment, Carolina has focused on pouting, drama, and her overly exaggerated hardships.

How Bachelor Grant Ellis Really Feels About the Carolina Drama | Us Weekly

Carolina’s first offense started in the second episode of The Bachelor season 29. The women were split into two groups: half playing basketball and the other half performing a song on stage. Carolina was part of the former group and managed to win the challenge. As the women enjoyed their time together on stage, Carolina straddled and made out with Grant. The other bachelorettes were forced to watch awkwardly and smile. This triggered many of the subsequent fights. Carolina would continue to push boundaries and step on others' toes. Grant’s decision to send her home was for the best.

Carolina Took Too Much Of Grant's Attention

Carolina Played The Victim Throughout The Season

The Bachelor Season 29 Contestant Carolina Sofia Quixano Promotional Photo

Her pursuit of attention was unmatched. Carolina was upset due to a private conversation with Rose Sombke. Carolina claimed that Rose had told her that Grant was thinking of Rose when on stage with the other women. That would include her intimate and long make-out with the lead. When the women went on the group prom date, Carolina interrupted a conversation between Natalie Phillips and Grant to confront the lead. He denied the claims and was agitated. Grant pulled Rose to the side, and unsurprisingly, the conversation didn’t reflect well on Rose.

Later, despite receiving a one-on-one date with The Bachelor's lead, Carolina complained about her minimal time with Grant. Carolina's whining understandably set off Juliana Pasquarosa, as she had not yet received a date. When Juliana confronted her, she was unnecessarily rude, even stating:

“I don't think I've ever asked for your opinion.”

Juliana was taken aback, considering her concerns were understandable. Carolina seemed ungrateful regarding her incredible date with Grant in Las Vegas. She seemed unsure about Grant entirely. The conversation included no accountability, and the drama only snowballed. This drama culminated in no date rose for any of the women.

While Juliana apologized to the women for her involvement in the drama, Carolina did not.

Carolina then pouted on the Scotland trip in the fifth episode. It, once again, encouraged one-on-one attention from Grant. The women were enraged as she had continuously manipulated the competition to her advantage. Carolina seemed more focused on “winning” and maintaining Grant’s focus rather than fostering love. She was eliminated at the end of this episode, with Grant stating, “I don’t even know if you want to be here.” Her constant drama and negativity took a toll.


Carolina Wasn't Playing The Bachelor Game Properly

Carolina Was Unapologetically Vindictiv

The competition, although perfect for drama and feuds, is meant for romantic pursuits. Carolina should have been more focused on her relationship with Grant than the emotions surrounding the competition. Eventually, her ties to every fight hurt her chances with the lead. He started to associate her with negativity and drama rather than love.

The red flags weren’t even limited to drama as the star vocally questioned the process.

Carolina proposed, “How do you get engaged after one date?” While this question is valid, her frustration with the process, disdain for the environment, and lack of gratitude irritated the women. The Bachelor has aired 28 seasons. Carolina knew what she signed up for. The competition was challenging, but its circumstances were expected.

The subsequent conversation with Juliana was aggressive and rude. She never took accountability for her actions, including the drama with Rose. The tensions and aftermath of this fight were so toxic Rose left the show. Dina Lupancu, the only woman willing to stand up for Carolina, was backstabbed the following week.

Dina Alleges Carolina Betrayed Her

The Drama Never Ends

Her drama spanned long after her stint on the show, as Carolina and Dina have been fighting online. Dina posted a video to her TikTok with the caption“When you defend the one person nobody else would…just to get played the next week.” Dina claimed this was meant to hint at upcoming drama for the next episode.

Carolina supposedly took this video as a threat as she responded with aggression in the form of blackmail.

Carolina then posted a TikTok, mocking Dina’s audio clip: "Because you know in a moment, it could all boom." Her response reads, “Seeing someone use this sound as if I don’t have screenshots of our conversation as evidence.” Dina was surprised at this retort as her original video wasn’t meant to stir up drama. Either way, the drama was inevitable. Carolina wouldn’t let any semblance of slander go unnoticed.

The drama between The Bachelor’s Dina and Carolina was somewhat surprising considering the women made up just before Carolina’s elimination. It’s unclear whether this drama came about naturally or it was drummed up to boost the show’s dwindling ratings. Whatever the reason, Carolina is still engaged in toxicity, and fans are not surprised. Grant will be glad to have avoided additional toxicity.