I Was Terrified By An Important Tuvok Scene In Star Trek: Voyager, But It Turned Out Okay In The End


Tim Russ' Star Trek: Voyager character was always so consistently levelheaded that it was unusual to see him act in any other way than as a traditionally placid Vulcan, which made the scene where Tuvok killed a fellow member of his ship's crew especially harrowing. Tuvok's Star Trek timeline takes him through several challenges, and many of them don't cause him to lose his composure in any notable way. However, one episode pushed Tuvok to his absolute limit, and it still makes me uneasy to watch the installment's most shocking scene.

6 Times Tuvok Was Star Trek: Voyager's Vulcan Villain

Tim Russ' Tuvok was one of the ever-present figures among the Star Trek: Voyager cast. He appeared heavily in every season of Star Trek: Voyager, and routinely had entire episodes built around his character. Watching his dynamic with other members of the Voyager crew grow and change was one of the most fascinating aspects of Tuvok's character arc, but there was one figure in particular whom Tuvok often struggled to tolerate. Although a genuine friendship did eventually develop between them, Voyager proved in season 2 just how strenuous their interactions could be for Tuvok.

Tuvok Killed Neelix In Star Trek: Voyager "Meld" - With A Twist

Tuvok testing himself with a holographic Neelix suggests an upsetting truth about their relationship

Ethan Phillips as Neelix in Star Trek: Voyager with his hand on the shoulder of Tim Russ as Tuvok

In one of Star Trek: Voyager season 2's best episodes, "Meld," Tuvok can be seen choking Neelix (Ethan Phillips) to death. Although it's revealed later that Tuvok was simply running a holodeck program and that Neelix is nothing more than a photonic projection, the fact remains that Tuvok failed to control himself under the Talaxian's barrage of frivolous comments. Seeing Tuvok kill Neelix, even as a hologram, is still a moment that sticks in my mind, and I was only partially relieved when Tuvok ended the program, revealing the real Neelix wasn't even there.

The real Neelix wants nothing more than to break down the wall between them, and "Meld" proves just what he was up against in this regard.

One of the most telling elements of Tuvix's holographic murder scene is just why he chose to simulate Neelix. Russ' character was testing himself to see if he could maintain his composure in the face of what he interpreted as an incredibly irritating scenario. Selecting Neelix as the character to fit that description confirms that Tuvok found it very difficult to be in Neelix's presence, and thought the talkative Talaxian was infuriating. Inversely, the real Neelix wants nothing more than to break down the wall between them, and "Meld" proves just what he was up against in this regard.


"Meld" Was Still Early Days For Tuvok & Neelix's Star Trek: Voyager Friendship

Tuvok & Neelix did eventually go on to become more than colleagues

Neelix and Tuvok have a heated discussion in a shuttle in the Star Trek: Voyager episode

The ever-changing dynamic between Tuvok and Neelix is one of my favorite Star Trek: Voyager mini-arcs. Pretty much immediately after they meet, Neelix starts trying to find ways to connect with Tuvok, as he finds the Vulcan's immovable demeanor oddly compelling. The Talaxian gradually makes progress in making Tuvok his friend rather than just a colleague, but it pretty much takes seven straight seasons of Neelix chipping away at Tuvok's armor. In "Meld," the pair have only known each other for roughly a year.

Thankfully, Tuvok didn't actually kill Neelix, although the Vulcan's experiment on Voyager's holodeck proves how possible such an occurrence was. Instead, Tuvok managed to return to his old self and continued to be ambushed at every turn by Neelix's friendship until eventually he finally had to concede that he liked him. Tuvok and Neelix's farewell five years later still makes me emotional, as they each say goodbye in ways perfectly befitting of the other's preference. Tuvok offers a small dance, and Neelix allows the moment to shine by staying silent.


Tuvok Wasn't To Blame For Irrationally Hating Neelix In Star Trek: Voyager's "Meld"

Tuvok's mind meld with Lon Suder backfired

Tuvok mind melds with Lon Suder in the Star Trek: Voyager episode

Neelix may not have been Tuvok's favorite person when "Meld" was set, but it would be a bit of a stretch to claim that a clear-headed version of Russ' character would want to murder the Talaxian in cold blood. Instead, Tuvok was suffering the effects of a Vulcan mind meld with Crewman Lon Suder (Brad Dourif). After discovering Suder had murdered a fellow crew member for seemingly no reason, a mind meld was Tuvok's final effort to help him understand the motives of Dourif's character. It worked, but it also backfired.

I don't think the mind meld removed Tuvok's tolerance of Neelix, but rather massively intensified how much he disliked being around the Talaxian.

While Suder flourished by inheriting some of Tuvok's inner-peace after joining minds with Voyager's chief of security, the Vulcan underestimated just how deeply the other man's darkness ran, and he was unable to suppress the violent urges that had crossed over into his psyche. So, I don't think the mind meld removed Tuvok's tolerance of Neelix, but rather massively intensified how much he disliked being around the Talaxian to the point where he was unable to control the urge he had inadvertently gained from Dourif's Star Trek: Voyager character.