Star Trek should bring back these Borg-like villains introduced in Star Trek: Picard season 1. Although the proposed Picard spin-off, Star Trek: Legacy, seems like a remote possibility at this point, there are numerous elements from Picard's three seasons that the show could bring back. Star Trek: Picard's triumphant third season saw Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) reunite with his Star Trek: The Next Generation crew aboard the newly rebuilt USS Enterprise-D. Since Star Trek: Picard season 3 ended with Captain Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) in command of the USS Enterprise-G, fans have been clamoring for a Star Trek: Legacy spin-off.
After the events of Star Trek: Picard season 3, the Borg have been mostly neutralized as a major threat, meaning Star Trek: Legacy would need new villains. There are numerous adversaries from across Star Trek's timeline that would make excellent adversaries for Captain Seven and her Enterprise crew, including the Alliance of Synthetic Life introduced in Star Trek: Picard season 1. With its convoluted storyline and darker tone, Picard season 1 received mixed reviews from Star Trek fans, but showrunner Michael Chabon introduced some fascinating new characters and ideas into the franchise.
Star Trek Still Hasn't Properly Explored Picard Season 1's Synthetics Villains
Star Trek: Picard Season 1 Only Offered A Glimpse Of The Synthetic Beings
Star Trek: Picard season 1 told a story revolving around synthetic life. When a synthetic woman named Dahj Asha (Isa Briones) shows up on Admiral Picard's doorstep, he gets pulled into an adventure with connections to his former Enterprise crew member, Data (Brent Spiner). Over the course of this adventure, Picard learns of the existence of the Alliance of Synthetic Life and a message they sent out known as the Admonition. Meant only for synthetics, this message contained information about how to contact the Alliance.
Extremely hostile to organic life, the Alliance would "rescue" any synthetic lifeforms from their organic "oppressors" if the synthetics responded to their message. The synthetics created by Dr. Altan Inigo Soong (Brent Spiner) on the planet Coppelius attempted to reach out to the Alliance with a beacon. Thankfully, Picard convinced Soji Asha (Isa Briones) to shut down the signal and close the wormhole before the synthetic beings could pass through. Star Trek: Picard revealed very little about the Alliance of Synthetic Life, but did suggest they exist outside of the Milky Way galaxy and possibly outside of Star Trek's Prime Universe.
The Synthetics Would Be Perfect Villains For Star Trek: Legacy
Seven Of Nine's Borg Connections Would Make A Fight With Synthetics More Interesting
Star Trek has always done well with stories exploring artificial intelligence and synthetic life, and there are numerous reasons why the Alliance would make great villains for Star Trek: Legacy. Forrmer Borg drone Seven of Nine has a lot of mixed emotions regarding synthetic life. While her Borg implants now keep her alive (and provide some enhanced abilities), the Borg took Seven's humanity from her. Seven's connections to the Borg could be both an asset and a liability in a battle against an entirely synthetic enemy.
In the wake of the synth Attack on Mars in 2385, the Federation banned all synthetic life, although this ban was later lifted after the Romulan Zhat Vash were discovered to be the true perpetrators of the attack. Still, many Federation citizens and Starfleet officers likely remain weary of synthetic life, and a villainous synthetic alliance would only make matters worse. Making the Alliance Star Trek: Legacy's major villains would allow the show to continue the Star Trek tradition of exploring what it means to be human through the lens of non-human characters.
Picard Season 1's Synthetic Villains Can Be The Borg Replacement Star Trek Has Needed For Years
Star Trek Should Move On From The Borg
The Borg have been one of Star Trek's most popular and formidable villains since their debut on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Star Trek: Picard seasons 2 and 3 both told unique Borg stories, and Picard's season 3 finale brought Jean-Luc's lifelong conflict with the Borg to a satisfying conclusion. Considering how many times Starfleet has faced the Borg, it might be time for Star Trek to introduce some new synthetic villains. While they may have a similar purpose to the Borg, the Alliance of Synthetic Life could be an entirely new kind of enemy.
Paramount+ currently has no plans for the proposed Star Trek: Legacy, but many of the people involved in Star Trek: Picard have expressed an interest in returning if it ever does happen.
Much about the Alliance remains a mystery, leaving the door open for Star Trek: Legacy to define almost everything about them. It's possible the Alliance sent out the Admonition eons ago, for example, and has since become something completely different. The inclusion of the Alliance in Legacy would also allow the show to incorporate characters like Data (with his new golem body) and Soji, and explore their response to a battle between organic and synthetic life. Whether or not Star Trek: Legacy ever happens, Star Trek: Picard's Alliance of Synthetic Life remains a looming threat to Starfleet and the Federation.