I’m Very Excited By Star Trek: Starfleet Academy’s Cast



  • Casting Paul Giamatti and Holly Hunter in Star Trek: Starfleet Academy shows larger ambitions for the series.
  • The show aims for broader appeal beyond a YA audience, hinting at something for all ages.
  • Starfleet Academy will follow cadets facing new adversaries in a re-opening Academy.

I'm Very Excited By Star Trek: Starfleet Academy's Cast

I'm very excited by the casting announcements for Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, which suggest that the new Paramount+ show could be something special. I'll admit, as someone who really loves Star Trek: Prodigy, I was very skeptical about the need for a live-action show about young Starfleet hopefuls. So when Paramount+ announced Prodigy's cancelation a few months after green lighting Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, that skepticism turned into outright suspicion. Had Paramount canceled Prodigy to make way for a more palatable, live-action, show about a youthful team of Starfleet Academy cadets?

I've also never felt connected to the 32nd century period during which Star Trek: Starfleet Academy will take place. Star Trek: Discovery was so focused on the movie-length missions to save the galaxy from the Emerald Chain, Species 10-C, and the Breen Imperium that I never felt that life in the 32nd century existed outside those conflicts. However, despite these reservations about the need for Starfleet Academy, and its placement in the Star Trek timeline, I'm starting to feel positive about the show, thanks to the casting of Paul Giamatti and Holly Hunter.

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy’s Casting Is Very Exciting

Starfleet Academy has incredible talent in front and behind the camera.

Adding two revered character actors to the cast of Starfleet Academy suggests it has larger ambitions than merely being a Star Trek: Discovery spinoff.

The casting of Paul Giamatti and Holly Hunter in Star Trek: Starfleet Academy feels like a bold statement of intent for the series. Adding two revered character actors to the cast of Starfleet Academy suggests it has larger ambitions than merely being a Star Trek: Discovery spinoff. Holly Hunter is the latest of several Oscar winners in Star Trek, while Paul Giamatti was recently nominated for an Academy Award for playing a cranky history teacher in The Holdovers. Whether that role was a dry-run for his villain role in Starfleet Academy remains to be seen.

Holly Hunter previously starred in Crash , which was written and directed by Star Trek: Discovery star David Cronenberg.

While Paul Giamatti and Holly Hunter aren't strangers to appearing in bad movies or shows, their filmographies do reflect discerning approaches to the scripts they're offered. This suggests that the writing on Star Trek: Starfleet Academy is top-notch. Alex Kurtzman has promised that Starfleet Academy is "really funny", which is backed up by the involvement of Star Trek: Lower Decks' Tawny Newsome in the writers' room. I would never have said that Star Trek: Discovery was "really funny" so this gives me hope that there's a freshness to the spinoff show, which is why Giamatti and Hunter have signed on.

Paul Giamatti And Holly Hunter Raise Starfleet Academy’s Profile

Starfleet Academy logo and the USS Discvoery from Star Trek: Discovery

When Star Trek: Starfleet Academy was first announced, a YA-oriented Star Trek: Discovery spinoff felt like a niche prospect for a new Paramount+ show. As a Star Trek fan who was born in the late 1980s, I was quick to accept Starfleet Academy was not for me. That's a good thing for the franchise, as Star Trek has to capture the hearts and minds of a brand-new generation if it's to endure beyond the 60th anniversary celebrations in 2026. However, the involvement of Paul Giamatti and Holly Hunter does change my perspective on Starfleet Academy somewhat.

Casting two Hollywood movie stars in a new Star Trek TV show gives Star Trek: Starfleet Academy a much broader appeal. Paul Giamatti and Holly Hunter's casting also suggests that, while skewing toward a YA audience, Starfleet Academy is appealing to other demographics, too. In an age where streaming algorithms focus on demographics over universality, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy's two casting announcements hint at a Star Trek show that has something for all ages, perfectly fitting the franchise's core ethos of infinite diversity in infinite combinations.