Jalen Hurts addresses his relationship with Nick Sirianni


The Eagles were back on the practice field Wednesday for their first taste of training camp, and quarterback Jalen Hurts spoke to reporters afterward about his message to the team, why it was important to get so much work in with his skill players this offseason, and how his role changes at the line without Jason Kelce at center.

Jalen Hurts Addresses Relationship With Head Coach Nick Sirianni Ahead of  Eagles Camp

Hurts cut off the first question — which was about the report this offseason regarding his relationship with Nick Sirianni — and gave an opening comment, instead.

“Let me say this first. You go through an offseason, you put a lot of work in — I think all the things we’ve been through last year, all the opportunity we had last year, I know everybody’s hungry. Everybody’s hungry. It’s a ton of opportunity in front of us this year, and I’m just excited to be back, excited to go through this journey, and go through this season with everyone here. Everyone. And I truly trust Mr. Lurie, I trust Howie [Roseman], I trust Coach Sirianni to lead us in that right direction.

And I know there are different roles in place. Everybody has different responsibilities. There may be more demands from some than others, but I think to win championships, to be the team we want to be, everyone has to buy into their role and everyone has to be really fully committed to doing their part in helping the team.

So, I’m excited to go on that journey. I feel like for me as a player, as a leader, everything that we went through last year, I just feel like I’m equipped to handle whatever’s to come.”

He later went on to say that he and Sirianni are in a good place, and having to overcome adversity and frustrations is meant to test you. Hurts said it’s a matter of being on the same page, alluding to the fact that they weren’t, but admitted it was a learning experience.

The QB later said he isn’t bothered when his comments are misconstrued, noting, “Some people don’t know what they don’t know, and I think that’s often the case. And, I can live with that.”

Here’s what else Hurts had to say:

On his messaging
Hurts said that after their conditioning test, and even after their first day of practice, his message to the team was about how they can’t solely rely on their talent.

“I’ve been on very talented teams, pretty much my whole career I played around talent, and talent wins you games. It’ll take you very far, but it don’t last. Teams is what wins championships, and that’s what we’re trying to do, trying to take that next step.”

On offensive changes
Hurts was asked about his comments that the offense would be 95 percent new this season, and he noted that while a lot of people have opinions about that statement, no one sees it from his vantage point as the quarterback.

“For me and my job, and what I’m asked to do, I can see those differences from my vantage point.”

He went on to say that he’s spent a lot of time with those things this offseason, and has been doing a lot of studying, and that it’s been a process to make it his own — but, he noted, it’s a good process.

The QB said that ultimately it comes down to execution with regard to what they’re asked to do, but he has seen the benefits throughout his career of utilizing motions and adjusting, as well as trying new things.

On offseason chemistry building
Hurts said that he didn’t focus on getting together with his teammates any more or less than in the past, what changed was how much he allowed people to see.

He later talked about how losing A.J. Brown at the end of the season last year highlighted the importance of building rapport with all the guys as early as possible. That wasn’t something he had the opportunity to do last year with guys that came in late, like Julio Jones, but having some time with the rookies and new guys this offseason will establish a better connection as they continue through the season. And then, if injuries affect the lineup, they’ll be able to lean on the foundation they’ve built.

On identifying protections
With Jason Kelce now retired, Hurts was asked how that affects his role identifying pressures and protections.

“Over the years, it’s been something that I’ve wanted to do, but I feel like it hasn’t — when you have Jason Kelce, just let him do it. And so, I never really had the opportunity to do those things, but I think the opportunity has come and it’s a collaborative thing with myself and Cam [Jurgens], and we just have to build that relationship.

He knows I have a lot of confidence in him to do the job, and be the player he is. I mean, he stepped up for us in big moments, he played ball for us last year, and he’s been ready. He’s ready to lead that o-line room, and I know those guys are gonna lean on him.”

Hurts went on to talk about Jeff Stoutland and how important he is to Kelce, and admitted that he’d like to forge that kind of relationship with Stout because the QB knows how smart the coach is.