Jared Goff Marries Sports Illustrated Model Christen Harper


Detroit Lions quarterback Jared Goff married his fiance, Sports Illustrated model Christen Harper, over the weekend in a small, intimate ceremony.

Jared Goff Marries Sports Illustrated Model Christen Harper

According to TMZ, "Goff rocked a snazzy black tuxedo and bowtie for the occasion ... and Harper had on a strapless white gown and veil. They looked as happy as could be as they exchanged vows ... staring deeply into each other's eyes as the small crowd watched on. Harper was pretty emotional during the "I Dos" ... wiping back tears as she officially became Mrs. Goff. The two got engaged back in June 2022 ... after first going public together in 2019."

The couple both grew up in California and they were excited to share their special day with close friends and family.

“This summer we're getting married in California, and we're very excited,” Goff recently told People Magazine about the wedding. “California is where I grew up and live currently, and my fiancée is from just outside of Los Angeles, so she was born and raised there as well. So, we have some pretty good roots there.”

Quarterbacks coach Mark Brunell was asked what type of present does someone give to a quarterback who seemingly has it all.

“An NFL quarterback for a wedding gift? Well that’s tough," Brunell expressed. "I’d have to think about that. I don’t have much time. I better hurry up. I’ve got a couple weeks. I kind of leave that for my wife, she takes care of that stuff and it’ll be good.”