New York Jets' LB Quincy Williams is the ultimate playmaker


New York Jets linebacker Quincy Williams leads his team in tackles and is the ultimate playmaker for defensive coordinator Jeff Ulbrich.

Williams will be a huge disruption to the Denver Broncos ground attack if their offensive line cannot climb to the second level on run plays. Also, the Broncos will want to avoid down and long distance situations, if not they’ll see Williams and safety Chuck Clark deployed in Ulbrich’s blitz scheme.

With linebacker C.J Mosley healing from a toe injury, Williams has taken a leadership role on defense. Williams’ impact has been contagious for teammate linebacker Jamien Sherwood who contributed four tackles in the teams week three victory.

Though criticized after their week 1 loss, Williams and the Jets’ defense have allowed just 1.3 touchdowns per game this season. The Broncos seemed to have found some success in the passing game in week 3, but Williams and the Jets’ defense is an entirely different monster.

Jets’ fans can expect exceptional efforts from Williams as long as he remains healthy. Hopefully his comrade Mosley will return from injury soon.