Picard Season 3 Was Right To Abandon A Star Trek Romance That Never Should've Happened


Star Trek: Picard season 3 abandoned a romance storyline for Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) that never quite worked. With a compelling storyline that reunited the crew of the USS Enterprise-D, Picard season 3 was a nostalgic tour-de-force that became a resounding success. When Admiral Picard receives an urgent distress call from Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden), he recruits his best friend and former first officer Captain William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) to mount a rescue mission. Picard and Riker then commandeer the USS Titan, much to the annoyance of its current commander, Captain Liam Shaw (Todd Stashwick).

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When Jean-Luc and Beverly reunite, Beverly reveals that she had given birth to Jean-Luc's son, Jack Crusher (Ed Speelers), over 20 years before. Picard and Crusher danced around one another throughout Star Trek: The Next Generation, never officially becoming a couple despite their obvious feelings for one another. They did, however, come together sometime after Star Trek: Nemesis, before going their separate ways and spending the next 20 years apart. Picard season 2 hinted at another romantic partner for Jean-Luc, but the plot was mostly abandoned in season 3 in favor of this long-established relationship.

Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Pretty Much Abandoned The Previous Season's Laris Romance

Laris Made Only A Brief Appearance In The First Episode Of Picard Season 3

Orla Brady's Laris joined the cast of Star Trek: Picard in its first season as an employee of Admiral Picard who helped run his family's vineyard. Former members of the Romulan Tal Shiar, Laris and her husband Zhaban (Jamie McShane) both became close friends with Picard, offering listening ears and advice. Sometime after the events of Picard season 1, Zhaban passed away, leaving Laris a widow. By the beginning of Picard season 2, about a year had passed since Zhaban's death and Laris had grown closer with Picard. Despite his apparent feelings for Laris, Picard was reluctant to open himself up to a romantic relationship.

After confronting his childhood trauma in Star Trek: Picard season 2, Jean-Luc felt ready to embark on a romance with Laris and he asked for a second chance. At the beginning of Picard season 3, Jean-Luc was planning to travel with Laris to Chaltok IV, until he received the distress call from Beverly Crusher. From that point forward, Laris plays no part in the season's storyline, as the focus shifts to the reunited TNG crew and the Borg/Changeling plot. While Jean-Luc does not renew his past romance with Dr. Crusher, he makes no mention of Laris or their relationship.

Star Trek's Picard & Laris Never Really Worked

Picard & Laris' Backstory Made Their Romance Feel Weird

While Picard and Laris make a cute couple at a cursory glance, the circumstances of their meeting make the entire romance plot somewhat questionable. Not only was Laris technically Picard's employee, but she also worked (and lived) there with her husband for several years. In Star Trek: Picard season 1, Picard appeared to be close friends with Zhaban, seeing him as someone he could confide in and go to for advice. This backstory makes any love story between Jean-Luc and Laris feel messy, which also seems out of character for Picard.

Picard's romance with Beverly Crusher also had its complications, which is part of the reason why the two never officially got together. Plus, it took Jean-Luc years to admit even to himself that he had feelings for Beverly. The timeline of Star Trek: Picard made Picard and Laris's storyline feel too rushed and not fully developed. While the hints of romance worked for the storyline of Picard season 2, the backstory and context from Picard season 1 soured any potential love story.

Are Picard & Laris Still Together When Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Ends

Laris & Picard's Romantic Status Is Left Ambiguous

By the end of Star Trek: Picard season 3, it remains unclear whether or not Laris and Jean-Luc are still together. A year after Admiral Picard and his crew saved the galaxy yet again (thanks to the rebuilt USS Enterprise-D), Jean-Luc and Beverly came together to see their son off to his first Starfleet posting. Jack reveals that the former USS Titan has been rechristened as the USS Enterprise-G and he has landed a position on the bridge as a Special Counselor to Captain Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan).

...Jean-Luc appears to be spending more time with Beverly and their son Jack, but there is no indication that the two parents have resumed their romance.

Star Trek: Picard comes to a close with a scene reminiscent of Star Trek: The Next Generation's excellent series finale, as Picard joins his friends for a poker game. Laris has been all but forgotten, but that doesn't mean that she and Picard aren't still close. Understandably, Jean-Luc appears to be spending more time with Beverly and their son Jack, but there is no indication that the two parents have resumed their romance. This leaves the door open for a Picard and Laris love story, but their relationship status will likely remain unknown until Star Trek: Picard receives a follow-up series or film.