Someone Is Trying To Sell The Last Of Us 2 PS5 Ellie Cover Art As A "Busty Babe" And It's Terrifying



  • Fans await season 2 of The Last of Us HBO series; PC users may experience the narrative.
  • A remastered PS5 cover of The Last of Us Part 2 sparks controversy with altered Ellie image.
  • The altered cover art garners negative reactions from fans and is being sold on eBay.

Someone Is Trying To Sell The Last Of Us 2 PS5 Ellie Cover Art As A "Busty  Babe" And It's Terrifying

As The Last of Us fans wait with bated breath for season 2 of the HBO series that's looking to commence next year, PC users may finally be able to experience the masterclass narrative for themselves, if rumors are to be believed. Until then, though, all we have to whet our apocalyptic appetite are some behind-the-scenes images of an eerie forest and a Joel time-jump photo tease suggesting the year season 2 will start with.

The Last of Us Part 2 remastered PS5 cover was masterfully done by artist - and once fan - David Blatt, that showed off a stunning menacing image of Ellie in the flooded downtown area of Seattle with Abby embedded into the illustration, but now, someone has gone and decided it was a great idea to put their own spin on the cover by showcasing Ellie as a "busty babe" and honestly, it needs to be thrown into the closest volcano. Oh, and to make matters worse, they are trying to sell it on eBay, too.

If You're An Ellie Fan, Look Away Now

First noticed by Reddit user AJBCJB28, The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered's cover art has had a slight, what would you even call this, makeunder? Instead of the usual pleasing apocalyptic setting that embodies the game, someone thought that they could do a better job of knowing what people really wanted and that's to see an image of Ellie with massive boobs, an altered, child-like face, and bulging muscles like she's just walked off Street Fighter. (no hate to Capcom though)

What's ironic and quite amusing about this PS5 cover "art" is that Ellie's muscles are huge, something that Abby had constantly been slated for, but I guess adding a giant pair of breasts makes some kind of weird difference here - apparently.

As expected, The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered's grossly altered PS5 cover art hasn't gone down too well with fans who called it "terrifying" in the comments. One user simply said that the "Male gaze Ellie is scary", while another said that this person's idea of art had "ruined her". Although everyone is certainly entitled to showcase their fan art and how they want to perceive it, this person has gone as far as believing it to be good enough to sell on eBay.

The description on the auction says that it comes with a "custom cover art variant", "NSFW inside art" and the "official PlayStation case" but no disc is included. The ad also states that the custom artwork is "redesigned from the ground up in Photoshop." and they thought it would be a good idea to show off their personal collection for anyone who "may not like the original artwork their game comes with."

I'm personally hoping that it sits, or better yet, gets lost somewhere in the eBay vortex, but it's unsurprisingly likely to get picked up by someone whose "taste" this type of illustration suits.