Star Trek Almost Showed A Universe Where The Borg Beat Janeway



  • Star Trek: Prodigy's "Cracked Mirror" episode almost featured a universe where the Borg defeated Captain Janeway and Voyager.
  • The young heroes of the USS Protostar worked with Wesley Crusher to save the Star Trek timelines, including the Mirror Universe.
  • A deleted idea from the episode involved Voyager being assimilated by the Borg, forcing the Protostar kids to team up with Mirror Janeway.

Star Trek Almost Showed A Universe Where The Borg Beat Janeway

Star Trek: Prodigy season 2's "Cracked Mirror" episode almost showed a universe where the Borg defeated Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) and the USS Voyager, according to co-executive producer Aaron J. Waltke. Star Trek: Prodigy season saw the young Starfleet hopefuls of the USS Protostar work with Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton) to save every Star Trek timeline, including the Mirror Universe. The Protostar kids and Captain Chakotay (Robert Beltran) also visited the Mirror Universe, coming face-to-face with Mirror Janeway and Mirror Chakotay.

In an exclusive interview with Screen Rant about the Star Trek deep lore in Star Trek: Prodigy season 2, Aaron J. Waltke revealed that one of the ideas left out of Star Trek: Prodigy season 2, episode 14, "Cracked Mirror," was an alternate reality where the Borg assimilated Captain Janeway and the USS Voyager. Star Trek: Prodigy's young heroes would have been forced to team with the Mirror Janeway against the Borg. Read Aaron's quote below:

On the cutting room floor, I think we also had like maybe one more level on that "Cracked Mirror" episode. That was an episode where the Borg won because that felt like a fun Janeway thing. And I think we saw a little bit of that universe in "Parallels" with the famous Riker thing, where he's commanding the damaged Enterprise when they have all these Enterprises coming from different universes. And he's like, 'I'm not going back. I can't go back.' And then he explodes. I think that's haunted Trekkies' dreams for so long that we wanted to see, 'Well, what would Janeway be doing in that universe?' And in that universe, they had all been assimilated, and Voyager had become like a Borg ship. And so they had to get through that universe to alongside the Mirror Janeway to try to undo this mess. But you know, if it was a 44 minute episode, oh, the tales we could have woven.


Star Trek: Prodigy Finally Showed Voyager's Mirror Universe

Voyager picked up where Star Trek: Deep Space Nine left off

One of the many fun aspects of Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 is its unexpected foray into Star Trek: Voyager's version of the Mirror Universe in Star Trek: Prodigy season 2, episode 14, "Cracked Mirror". Captain Chakotay, Dal R'El (Brett Gray), Gwyndala (Ella Purnell), and the USS Protostar crew find themselves aboard the ISS Voyager-A commanded by the evil Mirror Admiral Janeway. "Cracked Mirror" is also notable because it's now the furthest known point of the Mirror Universe seen in Star Trek canon.

The Mirror Universe's appearances in Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek: Discovery , and Star Trek: The Original Series take place in the 22nd and 23rd centuries.

The 24th-century Mirror Universe was last seen in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 7, when the Terran rebels defeated the oppressive Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. Star Trek: Prodigy shows that the resurgent Terran Empire embraced their old ways of intergalactic conquest, and launched a new Terran Armada, including the ISS Voyager-A. It's too bad Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 couldn't squeeze in Mirror Admiral Janeway teaming up with the USS Protostar crew to fight the Borg, but maybe it can happen if Netflix greenlights Star Trek: Prodigy season 3.