Star Trek Generations’ Confusing Time Travel Explained


Star Trek Generations takes place across two eras of Star Trek, and the film's timeline of events can be confusing. Star Trek Generations was the debut feature film starring the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation. To make Star Trek Generations a must-see milestone, the film featured appearances by cast members of Star Trek: The Original Series and featured the historic team-up of Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart), culminating in Kirk's death.

David W. Collins (@DavidWCollins) / X

Star Trek Generations' plot device allowing the 23rd century's Captain Kirk to travel to the future and meet the 24th century's Captain Picard was the Nexus, an intergalactic space ribbon where time has no meaning. The Nexus is a means to an end, and its abilities are left ill-defined. The energy ribbon's main purpose is to get Kirk and Picard together, and the Nexus was never seen again after Star Trek Generations. However, to sort out Star Trek Generations' timeline, it's best to start with two fixed dates: 2293, which is when the film's prologue is set, and 2371, when Star Trek Generations' main story happens.

Captain Kirk Time Traveled 78 Years Thanks To Star Trek Generations’ Nexus

Star Trek Generations Bridges The 23rd & 24th Centuries

Star Trek Generations begins in 2293 with Captain Kirk's apparent "death." Star Trek Generations is set later in the same year as Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Kirk's USS Enterprise-A has been decommissioned, and he attends the launch of the USS Enterprise-B, led by its new Captain, John Harriman (Alan Ruck). The Enterprise-B's maiden flight becomes a rescue mission when two El-Aurian transport ships are trapped by the Nexus. Kirk is presumed killed in action when the Nexus smashes through the Enterprise's hull.

When he was swept into the Nexus, Captain Kirk found himself at a recreation of his Idaho home. Kirk had only just arrived when he is joined by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who entered the Nexus in 2371. Because the Nexus is a dimension where time and space have no meaning, Kirk and Picard's meeting happens outside of linear time. But Picard convinces Kirk to come with him to 2371 to stop Dr. Tolian Soran (Malcolm McDowell) minutes before he destroys the Veridian star. Together, the two Captains of the Enterprise defeat Soran, but Kirk is mortally injured. Kirk's official death happens in 2371.

Dr. Tolian Soran Waited 78 Years To Return To The Nexus

When Did Soran Enter & Leave The Nexus To Begin With?

Dr. Tolian Soran had no compunction about destroying the entire Veridian star system to achieve his goal of returning to the Nexus, but when was he in the space ribbon, to begin with? Soran's destiny is tied to Captain Kirk and the USS Enterprise-B's mission in 2293. Soran was one of the El-Aurian refugees aboard the transport ship trapped by the Nexus. Soran and the other passengers' quantum signatures fluctuated, according to the Enterprise's sensors. This is when Soran entered the Nexus, and he was pulled from it just as quickly when the Enterprise beamed 47 El-Aurian survivors aboard.

Star Trek Generations did not reveal how long Dr. Soran was in the Nexus by his reckoning.

Star Trek Generations did not reveal how long Dr. Soran was in the Nexus by his reckoning, although it was only moments for the crew of the Enterprise-B who were trying to save the El-Aurians. But Soran must have been in the Nexus long enough to become obsessed with returning. Dr. Soran spent the next 78 years devising a way to alter the Nexus' course through space, determining Veridian III as his entry point in 2371. Soran is an El-Aurian, so he is extremely long-lived, but 78 years of being separated from the Nexus left him desperate and genocidal.

Guinan Was In The Nexus In The Past And Left An Echo Behind

Guinan & Soran Were In The Nexus At The Same Time

A close up on the echo of Guinan in the Nexus looking serious at something off-screen in Star Trek Generations.

Guinan (Whoopi Goldberg) was aboard the same El-Aurian transport ship as Dr. Tolian Soran, and she was rescued by the USS Enterprise-B as well. Guinan entered the Nexus at the same time as Dr. Soran, but she never explained to Captain Picard how long she lived in the Nexus by her recollection, or what she experienced as her version of "joy." However, Guinan left an "echo" of herself in the Nexus who helped guide Picard when Jean-Luc entered the other dimensional realm and experienced a family Christmas he would never have in real life.

Star Trek: Picard season 2 established that Guinan (Ito Aghayere) was living on Earth in 2024, so she must have left the planet sometime before 2293.

The Nexus is so vaguely explained in Star Trek Generations that it's unclear if everyone who enters the Nexus leaves an "echo" behind, or if Guinan was somehow special because of her El-Aurian abilities. If it's the latter, then Dr. Soran may have left his "echo" behind since he is also El-Aurian. Regardless, the actual Guinan is aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2371 to counsel Captain Picard, while her past self entered and left the Nexus in 2293. Unlike Dr. Tolan Soran, Guinan didn't spend 78 years obsessing over how to return to the Nexus.