"Tһіs Kіnd Of A Story Sһould Not End On A Sаd Note": Plаyers Dіvіded After TLOU's Neіl Druсkmаnn Cаsts Doubt On Tһe Lаst Of Us Pаrt 3


Neil Druckmann, the writer and director of The Last of Us, recently discussed the possibility of a third game in the series. Unfortunately, the news didn’t sit well with fans, as Druckmann all but confirmed that a third installment is not currently in the works. Although fans can still look forward to the second season of The Last of Us' TV adaptation and Naughty Dog's new IP, Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet, many are disappointed to learn that another adventure with Ellie isn't in the works.

The Last of Us | ScreenRant

On The Last of Us subreddit, user MorgansFreeeeman shared their reaction to the news with a short clip from The Last of Us Part 2. The video shows Ellie breaking down after receiving devastating news. The post quickly garnered comments expressing similar disappointment. User Pa5a_d1n expressed hope that a sequel would eventually be made, stating, “This kind of story should not end on a sad note.”

The "sad note" refers to the ending of The Last of Us Part 2. The game concludes with Ellie choosing not to pursue the revenge she has sought throughout the entire story. Players watch as Ellie destroys her own life in the pursuit of vengeance, only to be left with the painful realization that revenge solves nothing and can't erase the past.

Is There Space For The Last Of Us Part 3?

Ellie Still Has Some Fight In Her

Last of Us 2 scene with Joel and Ellie

While The Last of Us Part 2 ended with a sense of finality, there’s still plenty of story left to explore in another game. Ellie’s journey throughout the sequel profoundly changes her, leaving players with a version of the character that feels both familiar and unfamiliar. Delving into this new iteration of Ellie, who has lost but also learned so much, would be a compelling experience. Additionally, the game concluded without a reunion between Ellie and the people of Jackson, like Dina, Tommy, and Maria. Specifically, the relationship between Ellie and Dina, which was central to the story, ended on an uncertain note.

Moreover, The Last of Us' TV series is expected to run for up to four seasons. With the first season already perfectly recreating the first game, there’s a lot of room to expand on the sequel’s story. New narrative elements introduced in the show could easily be adapted into a video game format – whether as a full sequel, or even as a DLC or expansion. The show also offered some glimpses into Ellie’s mother’s story, which could be explored further in a prequel.

There's also the canceled multiplayer The Last of Us game to consider. This multiplayer experience had been teased by Druckmann and others over the past few years and appeared to be shaping up into a major title. However, the studio decided to cancel it, likely to focus on new IP. Despite this, it’s clear that there was still potential for The Last of Us to expand, as Naughty Dog had been planning additional content.


There Is Always Room For More

Stories Don't Have To End

The Last of Us 2 Ellie Angry
Source: Naughty Dog/Sony Entertainment

Of course, while Naughty Dog is focused on its next big title, Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet, some fans are content with leaving The Last of Us as it is. Under MorgansFreeeeman's post, many users agree with this decision. For example, TheMatt561 says they don’t want “a game for the sake of having a game” and is fine with leaving the series where it stands. Similarly, jacobpederson argues that the first two games are great because "nobody compromised the vision," and they don’t want to see that change by “forcing more.”

That said, there’s plenty of content available if Naughty Dog decides to revisit the post-apocalyptic world of The Last of Us, and I hope they do. Not only is there much more story to explore, but another game in the franchise would almost certainly be a hit. After all, while The Last of Us Part 2 was a controversial game, it still earned a ton of awards and accolades.

The Last of Us Part 2 earned over 300 Game of the Year awards, becoming the most awarded game in history at the time.

The rich world and complex characters of the series are too good to ignore. I think the series is ripe for more stories, even more with Ellie at the forefront. While I agree another sequel should not be done just for the sake of doing it, I don't think that is how Druckmann and Naughty Dog operate. Each choice in the first two games felt intentional, and so did their repercussions.

While it may be a while before we see a new game in the series, I believe it will eventually happen. The franchise is a massive success for Naughty Dog and offers a unique opportunity to explore themes of humanity that aren't often touched upon in games. It would be a shame if Ellie’s journey and the world of The Last of Us ended so soon.