Uhura Is Getting “Closer And Closer” To Nichelle Nichols In Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3



  • Uhura on Strange New Worlds season 3 keeps evolving into the confident Lieutenant Uhura from Star Trek: The Original Series.
  • Celia Rose Gooding, who plays Uhura, is excited for her character's journey in season 3 to mirror Nichelle Nichols' Uhura.
  • Gooding discusses Uhura's growth from a Cadet to a confident officer on Strange New Worlds in an Awards Radar interview.

Uhura Is Getting “Closer And Closer” To Nichelle Nichols In Star Trek: Strange  New Worlds Season 3

Celia Rose Gooding says Ensign Nyota Uhura in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 is getting "closer and closer" to the Lieutenant Uhura played by Nichelle Nichols in Star Trek: The Original Series. Gooding is one of several Strange New Worlds characters rising to the challenge of playing a younger version of a Star Trek icon. Audiences get to witness the evolution Uhura undergoes on Strange New Worldswith each step bringing her closer to the legendary Communications Officer in Star Trek: The Original Series.

Awards Radar interviewed Celia Rose Gooding about Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, where the Grammy Award-winning actor broke down how Uhura has grown from an uncertain Starfleet Cadet to a confident officer in Strange New Worlds' first two seasons. Gooding then hinted at how Uhura continues on the path to becoming the Lieutenant Uhura portrayed by Nichelle Nichols in Strange New Worlds season 3. Read Celia's quote below and listen to her Awards Radar interview in the link above.

I think in season three, she’s just continuing to expand on taking space and really ownership over her responsibilities and her contributions to the Enterprise crew. And so we’re just continuing to see her expand and expand and expand, and I’m really excited about her journey in season three. That’s just been the word of the day... She’s just taking up space, really owning her title and her role, and her confidence is really blossoming and blooming.

I think, as the seasons go on, I’m trying to get closer and closer to a recognizable version of Uhura, really trying to emulate Nichelle Nichols’ Uhura. And I think season three, we’re just getting closer and closer and closer, so it’s very exciting for me.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 has wrapped filming and is expected to premiere in 2025 on Paramount+.

Uhura's Evolution Is One Of The Best Parts Of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Strange New Worlds gives Uhura the emphasis Nichelle Nichols never got In Star Trek: TOS

One of the pleasures of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is seeing Uhura's evolution. Strange New Worlds is providing Uhura with the emphasis, backstory, and character depth that Star Trek: The Original Series never afforded Nichelle Nichols' Lt. Uhura. Nichols had to be content with being a supporting player with minimal character development, but her presence in Star Trek nonetheless served as an inspiration for generations of African Americans, as Nichols herself was told by Dr. Martin Luther King.

Uhura's first name "Nyota" was made canon in J.J. Abrams ' Star Trek (2009), when Uhura was portrayed by Zoe Saldana.

Since Celia Rose Gooding is portraying the same character as Nichelle Nichols, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is delivering Nyota Uhura's complete story as it progresses. Starting as a Cadet unsure if she wanted to remain in Starfleet, Uhura gained a mentor in the late Lt. Hemmer (Bruce Horak), who helped Nyota grow beyond her confidence issues. Strange New Worlds' season 2 saw Ensign Uhura accept her crucial role on the Starship Enterprise, even giving her a whole song about it in Star Trek's first-ever musical episode. Where Uhura goes next will surely be one of the most fascinating aspects of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3.