Why Nick Offerman Should Do More Dramatic Roles - hong nhung


Given the actor’s resume and most recently award-winning performance, Offerman is ripe for more dramatic roles.

A custom image featuring Nick Offerman in The Last of Us and Civil War


  • Nick Offerman's Emmy-winning role in "The Last of Us" showcases his talent for dramatic acting, proving he can do more than just comedy.
  • Offerman has previously portrayed dramatic characters in shows like "Fargo" and "Devs," further demonstrating his range as an actor.
  • Fans are excited to see Offerman's upcoming role in "Civil War" and are eager to see him take on more serious characters in future projects.

Arguably best known for his role as Ron Swanson on NBC’s Parks and RecNick Offerman’s comedic chops are without question some of the best out there. A comedian on stage as well as the screen, his uniquely humorous deadpan style makes him a one-of-a-kind comedic actor. While Offerman has played a myriad of characters throughout the span of his career, most people associate him with his comedic roles. However, since Offerman’s portrayal of Bill in HBO’s The Last of Us, audiences have realized the actor’s talents extend much further beyond the humorous roles he’s predominately known for. As a result, the desire to see the actor step into more serious, dramatic roles has grown ever since.

At the 75th Emmy Awards, Offerman won his first Emmy for Best Guest Actor in a Drama Series for playing the misanthropic survivalist on The Last of Us and garnered immense praise for his role in one of the most beloved episodes of the series. He clearly has the talent to portray such characters given the accolades he’s received in the wake of playing such roles. Furthermore, although he’s known for his comedic characters, those particular roles have always been rooted in seriousness and then placed within a comedic world. As such, it’s clear the actor should take on more dramatic roles as his career moves forward. There’s clearly a desire from audiences across the board to see him embody dramatic characters, which he should most definitely lean into.

Nick Offerman Has Proven His Dramatic Talents

The Last of Us

Before his Emmy-winning stint on The Last of Us, Offerman already took on a handful of buzzworthy dramatic characters worthy of praise. Most notably, his roles as Karl Weathers in Fargo Season 2, Frank Fisher in Hearts Beat Loud, Dick McDonald in The Founder, and Forest in Devs each embodied a different dramatic aspect of the actor’s spectrum of talents. Nominated for a Critics’ Choice Television Award for Best Supporting Actor in a Movie/Miniseries for his performance as Karl Weathers in the second season of Fargo, Offerman has clearly proven his dramatic talents. With roots as a theater actor, it makes sense he has an ability to embody such dramatic roles so aptly.

Furthermore, Offerman’s ability to express the dramatic depths of his characters clearly indicates the signs of a great actor. His award nominations speak volumes and indicate the direction in which his career should continue to take. Through characters like Bill from The Last of Us and Karl Weathers from Fargo, Offerman presents significant nuances necessary for such characters. For example, Bill is clearly not the kind of character who lets people in easily, emotionally (or physically, on his compound) but after he meets Frank, Bill softens while still maintaining the core of who he is. Through the subtleties of Offerman’s performance, the audience is able to see such a development in real-time. Such dramatic roles clearly highlight his abilities as an actor and leave audiences yearning for similar roles from the historically comedic actor.

His Characters Have Always Been Rooted in Seriousness

Often, what makes a comedic character like Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec work on screen is the actor’s serious portrayal of such a character. The role is inevitably funny because of how the actor chooses to approach the role. Ron isn’t necessarily a funny person. In fact, he’s arguably one of the most serious characters on Parks and Rec. However, the situations in which Ron is placed make audiences perceive the characters as funny. Such perceptions can only be achieved when the actor portrays the character seriously. If Offerman tried to play Ron as a knowingly funny character, the circumstances within the show wouldn’t play out the same way and might not work comedically.

When compared to Aubrey Plaza’s April Ludgate or Chris Pratt’s Andy Dwyer on Parks and Rec, it’s clear Offerman’s character isn’t the funny one. While the role is comedic, the character is serious. Ron sits in stark contrast to the likes of April and Andy, whose performers overtly use their talents as comedic actors to be funny. Their characters are in on the joke, so their comedy plays differently. Ron has no interest in being funny. As a result, viewers witness one of the best comedic performances of the series. Because Offerman’s character is grounded in a deliberately serious form, his performance is able to come across as immensely humorous. Such a feat can only be accomplished by an actor who has a talent for dramatic roles.

Upcoming Dramatic Roles

Civil War

Set for release in April 2024, Offerman's upcoming role in Alex Garland's Civil War clearly indicates his desire to expand his reputation beyond the realm of comedic characters. Slated to play the President of the United States, his previous dramatic achievements undoubtedly display what the actor is capable of, and viewers are excited to see it. Given the buzz surrounding the film's release, audiences are likely to want more of the same from Offerman as he branches out and begins to take on more serious characters in movies steeped with darker, heavier themes. He's clearly proven his abilities in the past, which should garner plenty of excitement from fans regarding his future career choices.

At the end of the day, Offerman is clearly a great actor. Whether his roles involve comedy doesn’t matter because he’s proven he possesses the range to undertake a myriad of roles. The manner in which he clearly approaches his characters is what makes his performances worth watching. As such, the actor should undoubtedly lean into more dramatic roles in the future.