However, there is one outlier to The Walking Dead's new and improved outlook on women in the apocalypse. Alexandra Breckenridge's character, Jessie Anderson, was a Season 1 female character stuck in Seasons 5 and 6. Rick Grimes immediately fell head over heels for Jessie when he arrived at Alexandria, but she was in an abusive relationship with her husband, Pete. The poor writing Jessie received wasn't attributed to the fact that she was a mother and wife who hardly knew how to fight. Jessie was severely underdeveloped because she was nothing more than a plot device that brought out Rick's complicated colors.
Jessie's Arc Only Revolved Around Rick and Her Family
Jessie only lasted for 11 episodes, from "Remember" to Season 6, Episode 9, "No Way Out." In that time, she was a prize that Pete and Rick fought over. The dismantling of her marriage brought out a strange side of Rick that honestly didn't reflect who he truly is. When Rick promised Jessie that he would take care of her and her sons after "taking care" of Pete, she asked if she would do this for someone else. Any person who's seen the past five seasons of The Walking Dead would logically say, "Of course he would!" But for some reason, Rick says he wouldn't.
The interaction between Rick and Jessie is bizarrely out of character for Rick. But it subtly reveals Rick's true feelings for Jessie, in that he may not have had any to begin with. Rick's growing obsession with Jessie was fueled by two things: him grasping the old world in any way possible and his desire to appear powerful to the Alexandrians. He wanted to be the righteous hero who does no wrong and has the answer to all their problems. Jessie is the perfect opportunity to prove himself as the only suitable leader for the community; he can save Jessie when their current leader, Deanna, can't.
Rick Cut Ties With the Old World After Jessie
One would assume that because Jessie was the first woman Rick had a relationship with after the death of his wife, Lori, in Season 3, The Walking Dead would take some time to let her death sink in. But The Walking Dead quickly moved past the end of Jessie and her family, solidifying how unimportant she was in the grand scheme of the story. Following her death, the series jumped two months into the next episode, where Jessie isn't spoken of again.
Jessie Was an Earlier Season Female Character Thrust Into a Later Season
Michonne was always the right woman for Rick, but The Walking Dead's approach to sailing the Rick/Michonne ship was by disposing of another female character like she meant nothing. Jessie was a rebound, a way for Rick to confirm with himself that he could move on from Lori in order to be with Michonne. The Walking Dead ends up reinforcing those same gender stereotypes of the first two seasons.