Aaron Rodgers on schedule: “What happens when we pay them back with six great prime-time games this year?”


When it comes to the specific configuration of a given team’s games, competitive balance and recent performance take a back seat to sizzle factor. Look no farther than the Jets, who haven’t been to the playoffs since 2010 but who ended up with six prime-time games in the first eleven weeks of the 2024 season.

Aaron Rodgers on schedule: "What happens when we pay them back with six  great prime-time games this year?" - NBC Sports

The jets gain nothing by complaining that it’s unfair. Even though it is unfair. It creates a competitive disadvantage, especially with three games in 10 days to start the season.

Rodgers addressed the schedule during a Thursday appearance with Adam Schein of SiriusXM Mad Dog Radio.

“I love it,” Rodgers said. “I love it. We are must-watch TV. And that’s pretty obvious. Everybody knows that. Whether you love me or hate me, people wanna see me play. They enjoy watching me play. And we are a team to watch this year. Not surprising. Six prime-time games in the first 11 or 12 weeks. I love it. You know, make it difficult.”

Rodgers also commented on the ill-advised remark from NFL V.P. of broadcast planning Mike North, who said last week that the Jets “kind of owe us one.”

“As far as us owing people, yeah, that’s fine,” Rodgers said. “Whatever. I don’t care what anybody has to say about that. That’s great. It was shitty for me, it was rough for the league. I get it. Me only playing a few plays last year. That’s gonna be different this year. What happens when we pay them back this year with six great prime-time games. What are they gonna say next year?”

If the Jets do well enough to justify bringing Rodgers back next year, the league will find another way to justify putting more Jets games in prime-time in 2025. Which proves how ridiculous it was to regard the schedule-making decisions for 2023 as some sort of debt to be paid.

The truth isn’t that the Jets owe the league. The truth is that the NFL wants to load up the prime-time schedules with Jets games early, before the wheels potentially fall off.

Which, of course, increases the possibility of the wheels falling off, by having them play on two Sunday nights and two Monday nights and two Thursday nights in the first 11 weeks of the season.

Rodgers sounds very confident that he’ll play all year in 2024. While it’s not impossible, he’s 40, he has played four snaps since January 2023, and he tore an Achilles last year. At best, it’s a wait-and-see situation.