Dan Campbell once again shows why players will run through a wall for him

Dan Campbell is a player's coach in a unique way, and his comments about a conversation with Taylor Decker freshly reinforced it.

On Monday morning, Detroit Lions general manager Brad Holmes announced a contract extension for left tackle Taylor Decker. In his press conference after the day's practice, Decker talked about going directly to head coach Dan Campbell with his concerns about his contract situation.

"I was like, 'Where we at?'" Decker said. "And you know, 'I hear things from my agent, from our salary cap people, and they're talking, and I'm getting that kind of second-hand information, I want to hear it. Tell me where we're at, just so I know. I just want the information, so it's communicated well.'"

Decker said what Campbell told him about his contract situation was "to a tee what happened." That could be considered "what else is he going to say?" lip service, but that would be ignoring who Campbell is.

Dan Campbell shows, again, why players will run through a wall for him

During his press conference before Tuesday's practice, Campbell expressed appreciation for Decker as he acknowledged the new contract. He was then asked about what Decker told reporters regarding their conversation about his contract.

"Look I've told those guys from Day 1...if something like that is bothering you...Brad and myself, you can come talk to us and we will...we will tell you what our mindset is, where we're at, what we're thinkin', we're not gonna shy away from that. We told everybody that...yeah, Decker came up in the spring and we talked about it, that was on his mind...So I told him....listen, you're next."

Campbell reassured Decker his new deal was coming, referencing his offseason ankle surgery, seeing what he looked like when training camp started and going from there. Campbell reinforced how he has an open door to any player if something is on their mind, adding how he appreciated Decker "trusting us."

Then Campbell delivered a punch line that says it all.

"I remember what it was like as a player, and I was lied to at one point. I will never do that to a player. Even if that's gonna hurt a little bit, I want them to know the truth."

"I will never do that to a player." That quote applied to telling Decker the truth about his contract situation. But it also encompasses who Campbell is as a coach, and it's fresh evidence of how he reaches players in a way a lot of coaches can't-or won't.