Eve Harlow’s Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Villain Could Have An Unexpected Future



  • Moll's determined pursuit of Progenitors' technology leads to a captivating battle with Captain Burnham in Star Trek: Discovery's finale.
  • Dr. Kovich has mysterious plans for Moll's future, potentially involving time travel and becoming an agent in the Star Trek universe.
  • Moll emerges as one of the best villains in Star Trek: Discovery, driven by love and intelligence, with the potential to join the side of heroes.

Eve Harlow's Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Villain Could Have An Unexpected  Future

Star Trek: Discovery's series finale set up an intriguing future for Eve Harlow's Moll. Moll spent most of Discovery season 5 in search of the Progenitors' powerful technology. She and her Breen lover, L'ak (Elias Toufexis), proved to be incredibly resourceful and determined in their pursuit of the treasure, evading the USS Discovery multiple times. After L'ak's death, Moll becomes even more determined to find the Progenitors' technology, believing that it will allow her to resurrect L'ak. Moll allies herself with the Breen, gaining their allegiance because of her marriage to L'ak, their beloved Scion, and her promise to bring him back.

In Star Trek: Discovery's series finale, "Life, Itself," Moll battles Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) for the Progenitors' technology, but in the end, she learns that it cannot be used to resurrect L'ak. After Moll is injured trying to access the technology, Burnham communicates with one of the Progenitors (Somkele Iyamah-Idhalama), but ultimately decides that the power to create life is too much for any one person, or culture, to control. After the dust settles, Moll is treated for her injuries and taken into custody. Commander Nhan (Rachael Ancheril), however, reveals that Dr. Kovich (David Cronenberg) has mysterious plans for Moll's future.

Written by Kyle Jarrow and Michelle Paradise and directed by Olatunde Osunsanmi, "Life, Itself" impressively wraps up Star Trek: Discovery season 5, while also serving as a send-off for the USS Discovery and her crew.

How Moll Could Appear In Star Trek: Starfleet Academy

What exactly does Dr. Kovich have planned for Moll?

Star Trek: Discovery creative team did not know that season 5 would be the show's last season while they were in production. While they likely had plans to bring Moll back for Star Trek:Discovery season 6, that is no longer an option. Still, Moll could make an appearance in Discovery's upcoming spin-off, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, or another future Star Trek project. In Discovery season 5's finale, Dr. Kovich tells Captain Burnham that Moll is "a capable individual" who could "prove useful." Kovich then reveals his true identity as temporal Agent Daniels to Burnham, which makes Moll's potential future even more interesting.

Introduced in Star Trek: Enterprise, Agent Daniels was an operative from the 31st century who played a major role in the Temporal Cold War.

If Kovich recruits Moll to be one of his agents, he could presumably give her the ability to travel in time. This opens up the door for her to pop up in nearly any Star Trek project, regardless of where it takes place in the timeline. Even if Moll does remain in the 32nd century, she could serve as Kovich's agent on Starfleet AcademyWhile not much is known about this series, it will reportedly involve a threat to the Federation, possibly something Moll could help fight against. Although Moll does not seem like the Academy instructor type, she could be brought in to offer lessons on self-defense or even advice on how to catch renegades like herself.

Moll Was One Of Star Trek: Discovery’s Best Villains

Moll joins Captain Lorca and Emperor Georgiou on the list of great Star Trek villains.

No other Star Trek: Discovery villain has quite lived up to Jason Isaac's Captain Gabriel Lorca or Michelle Yeoh's Emperor Philippa Georgiou from the show's first season. And while Moll is a completely different kind of villain from either of those two, she brought an exciting and fun energy to Discovery's fifth and final season. Not only is Moll intelligent and resourceful, but she can also hold her own in a fight and easily command a room. Moll single-handedly took control of a Breen faction, using just her knowledge, speaking skills, and manipulation tactics.

Moll is driven by her love for L'ak, and she has understandable reasons for being hesitant to trust anyone else.

While Moll may technically have been the main villain of Star Trek: Discovery season 5, she is not evil or unnecessarily cruel. Moll is driven by her love for L'ak, and she has understandable reasons for being hesitant to trust anyone else. Although only fragments have been revealed about Moll's past, it seems like she did the best she could with the hand she was dealt. In the end, Moll accepts her fate, but it seems that Star Trek may not be done with her just yet. Whatever Kovich has planned for the former courier, Eve Harlow's Moll became one of Star Trek: Discovery's best villains, and there's still a chance for her to join the side of the heroes.