Graham Barton’s Career Advice


He’s just 22 years old, but Joe was interested to hear Buccaneers rookie Graham Barton answer when asked how he would advise anyone trying to make it to the top in a career, any career.

Graham Barton - 2023 - Football - Duke University

Regular listeners to The Rock Stops Here podcast know host Rock Riley (Joe’s good buddy) closes every interview asking his guest to state his No. 1 core belief when it comes to success.

In essence, Riley wants to hear how that guy made it to the pinnacle of his profession, whatever it may be.

Sure, Barton is a rookie, but just making the NFL is special and, thankfully, Barton seems to get it.

“Prove it every day,” Barton said, referring to his career guidance to anyone.

“Like I know I’m in the NFL, but I don’t feel like I’ve proven anything yet. Yeah, I was a draft pick and, you know, successful in college, but now I’ve got to prove it at this level and start all overall. I just think no matter where you’re at in life, not matter what’s going your way or what’s not, just show up every day and prove it, prove why you belong. I think that’s kind of my motto and it always will be.”

Barton sure talks a great game at all times. He’s an impressive guy.

Now he’s got to prove it on the field. Whatever happens, it’s a safe bet Barton will give it his all.