I Wаs Dіsаррoіnted By Strаnge New Worlds’ Return To A Clаssіс Stаr Trek Plаnet After 58 Yeаrs


Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2 revisited a classic planet from Star Trek: The Original Series, but the return was ultimately disappointing. Following the adventures of Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount) and his USS Enterprise crew, Strange New Worlds has delivered many solid hits and very few misses in its two seasons so far. Captain Pike was originally going to be Star Trek's first leading man, but the network rejected Star Trek's original pilot, "The Cage."

I Was Disappointed By Strange New Worlds' Return To A Classic Star Trek  Planet After 58 Years

The main story of Star Trek's "The Cage" focuses on Captain Pike's trip to Talos IV, where he and the Starship Enterprise crew encounter the powerful, telepathic Talosians. Early in the episode, Pike mentions a mission on Rigel VII that ended badly. He blames himself for the deaths of three Enterprise crew members, including his yeoman, and the injuries of seven others. "The Cage" only offers a brief glimpse of Rigel VII via an illusion the Talosians show Pike, but Star Trek: Strange New Worlds revisited the planet decades later.

Why Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Return To Rigel VII Was Disappointing

Star Trek's Return To Rigel VII Failed To Deliver

Captain Pike in a cell in Star Trek Strange New Worlds

In Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' season 2, episode 4, "Among the Lotus Eaters," Captain Pike's Enterprise returns to Rigel VII after scans show a Starfleet insignia on the planet. Pike soon learns that his yeoman, Zac Nguyen (David Huynh), survived, and declared himself ruler. Because of radiation emitted by asteroids orbiting Rigel VII, everyone on the planet's surface loses their memories each day. Nguyen and his guards remain inside a castle-like structure that protects them from this effect. Pike eventually loses his memories as well, but he retains enough of himself to continue his search for answers.

The amnesia storyline takes away from what could've been a deeper exploration of Zac and his experience of being left behind.

While I enjoyed seeing Strange New Worlds revisit a planet mentioned in "The Cage," "Among the Lotus Eaters" wasn't a particularly strong episode. There was nothing glaringly bad about the story, but it all left me wanting more. I didn't need to see Pike forget his memories to understand how much he cares about his crew and Captain Marie Batel (Melanie Scrofano). Plus, Pike's burst of anger at Zac doesn't really match up with his character, nor does his assertion that Rigel VII "shows you who you really are." Nothing else in Strange New Worlds has indicated that Pike is holding onto that much anger.


“Among The Lotus Eaters” Was The Weakest Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 Episode

Strange New Worlds Season 2 Delivered Some Great Star Trek Stories

Jack Quaid as Boimler poking Anson Mount as Captain Pike

Between a crossover with Star Trek: Lower Decks and Star Trek's first musical, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2 was full of strong episodes. Unfortunately, "Among the Lotus Eaters" simply doesn't live up to the season's other stories, and this is especially glaring when there are only 10 episodes per season. Aside from the reveal that Zac survived, which isn't explored very deeply, "Among the Lotus Eaters" doesn't tell us anything we don't already know. Star Trek's best stories reveal something about the characters while also tackling a moral dilemma, but "Among the Lotus Eaters" falls short in both areas.

With only 10 episodes, every story needs to deliver.

Most previous Star Trek shows delivered over 20 episodes per season, giving the writers more room to experiment and allowing for filler episodes. With only 10 episodes per season, Strange New Worlds doesn't have that luxury. An episode like "Among the Lotus Eaters" wouldn't be so disappointing if there were 19 other episodes to make up for it, but when there are only 9, well, I can't help wishing for something better. I would love for Strange New Worlds to have longer seasons, but with only 10 episodes, every story needs to deliver.


Lt. Erica Ortegas Deserves A Better Episode In Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3

All Of Strange New Worlds' Other Main Characters Have Gotten More Development

Star Trek Strange New Worlds Lotus Eaters Erica Ortegas

While Captain Pike faces off against his former yeoman on the planet's surface, the Enterprise crew members aboard the ship get an even weaker storyline. Lt. Spock (Ethan Peck), Lt. Erica Ortegas (Melissa Navia), and the rest of the crew begin losing their memories, as well, until they have no clue who they are. "Among the Lotus Eaters" tries to give Lt. Ortegas a chance to shine, but the episode doesn't reveal anything new about her, boiling her character down to the person who flies the ship. Again, we already knew that Ortegas loved being a pilot; there must be more to her than that.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds revealed that Lt. Ortegas served in the Klingon War, but has told us nothing about her experience. Almost every other storyline involving Ortegas has revolved around her job as a pilot. She rarely gets to go on away missions because she's the best pilot on the Enterprise, and we have seen her expertly fly the ship during battles and other tricky situations. Hopefully, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 will dive into Ortegas' backstory, giving her more of a personality than simply being the hotshot pilot.