If Muhammad Ali was never knocked out, how could Mike Tyson beat him on skill, points, and distance?


John MCGlothlin has a great answer here and he is correct in saying Tyson wouldn’t beat Ali. The Lion on the otherhand has a stupid answer and should stick to studying finance.

Your question is “How could Tyson beat Ali?” I’m going to answer that. What would Mike’s gameplan have to be to beat Ali. I’ll start by writing that I don’t think Tyson beats Ali, Tyson doesn’t think he’d beat Ali and if we could some how make the fight happen, I’d put my money on The Greatest. But I digress.

How would Tyson beat Ali?

Tyson would have to stay on Ali and not give him any room to work. Tyson would need to duck and weave like he does, keeping his head moving and low, making it more difficult for the taller Ali. Tyson would have to throw barrage after barrage to keep Ali going backwards and mix up his shots and make sure they land.

Trapping Ali in a corner or on the ropes would also be a big help to Tyson, but he’d have to fight smart; Ali is a master of fighting off the rope and out of the corner. He has demonstrated time and again that being in the corner and on the ropes is barely an impediment to him.

Tyson is also going to need to get Ali out of there within the first 4 rounds. After that, Tyson is going to be a lot more drained than Ali. Tysons output and the amount of powershots he will throw is a big drain on his stamina. After the fifth round Ali is going to frustrate Tyson and start to pick him off.

Stay on Ali, keep him close and knock him out early: that’s how Mike Tyson beats Muhammad Ali