I’m Glаd Stаr Trek: Enterрrіse Seаson 5’s Sһoсkіng T’Pol Plаn Dіdn’t Hаррen


I'm glad the shocking plan for T'Pol (Jolene Blalock) in Star Trek: Enterprise season 5 didn't happen. Star Trek: Enterprise was canceled just as it was finding its footing in season 4. The 22nd century-set prequel retconned Captain Jonathan Archer's (Scott Bakula) NX-01 as the first Starship Enterprise. Subcommander T'Pol predated Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy) as the first Vulcan Science Officer to serve aboard the Enterprise. Like Spock, T'Pol also doubled as Enterprise's First Officer.

I'm Glad Star Trek: Enterprise Season 5's Shocking T'Pol Plan Didn't Happen

Star Trek: Enterprise's controversial series finale, "These Are The Voyages..." left T'Pol's story open-ended. "These Are The Voyages..." established that, like the rest of Captain Archer's bridge crew, T'Pol served aboard Enterprise for 10 years. Enterprise's series finale saw T'Pol endure the death of her former paramour, Commander Trip Tucker (Connor Trinneer). It was the last known tragedy among a series of unfortunate events in T'Pol's life. Had Star Trek: Enterprise season 5 happened, T'Pol would have been faced with an existential crisis.

Star Trek: Enterprise Season 5 Would Have Revealed T’Pol Is Half-Romulan

This Would Have Answered Some Questions But Also Caused Problems

Star Trek Enterprise Seventh T'Pol

As detailed in a video about Star Trek: Enterprise season 5's plans by Bullets & Blockbusters on YouTube, T'Pol would have been revealed to be half-RomulanEnterprise had already introduced T'Pol's mother, T'Les (Joanna Cassidy), and even her second foremother, T'Mir (Jolene Blalock), but Enterprise season 5 would have finally introduced T'Pol's father, who would have been a Romulan. This would canonically establish T'Pol as half-Vulcan and half-Romulan. Check out Bullets & Blockbusters' video below:

There is logic to Star Trek: Enterprise season 5's plan to make T'Pol half-Romulan. T'Pol often behaved unlike a typical Vulcan throughout Star Trek: Enterprise, and she exhibited bursts of emotion numerous times. T'Pol being half-Romulan would have been a handwave explanation for her passionate side. T'Pol's father revealed to be Romulan would have also deepened Enterprise season 4's story of the Romulan Star Empire's attempts to gain control of Vulcan.


Why I’m Glad T’Pol Didn’t Become Half-Romulan On Star Trek: Enterprise

T'Pol Didn't Need This Twist

T'Pol in Star Trek Enterprise

Although I'd have loved to see Star Trek: Enterprise season 5 and understand what showrunner Manny Coto intended by making T'Pol half-Romulan, I'm ultimately glad it didn't happen. T'Pol was the unfortunate subject of several lurid storylines that traded on Jolene Blalock's physical beauty, rendering T'Pol into a sex object. Making T'Pol half-Romulan sounds like a petty justification for the questionable way T'Pol was depicted throughout Enterprise.

T'Pol already endured tragedy and torment, from being afflicted with Pan'ar Syndrome to being physically and psychically assaulted. Star Trek: Enterprise heaped misfortune on T'Pol, and revealing that her father was alive and a Romulan working to subjugate Vulcan could have been a bridge too far. It makes sense as a follow-through to Enterprise's established stories, but it also strips T'Pol of her dignity, pride, and sense of self as a Vulcan. 

T’Pol Not Becoming Half-Romulan Is Like Saavik In Star Trek II

Neither Plan To Make These Vulcans Half-Romulan Became Canon

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Kirstie Alley as Saavik.

Star Trek: Enterprise season 5 plan for T'Pol is reminiscent of another Vulcan who was originally intended to be half-Romulan: Lt. Saavik (Kirstie Alley) in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Saavik as a half-Romulan would have explained her own emotional behavior, like crying at Captain Spock's funeral. However, Saavik being half-Romulan was never mentioned on-screen in Star Trek II. Thus, it never became canon.

An alternate universe version of T'Pol, who is evidently fully Vulcan, appeared in Star Trek: Lower Decks season 5 and was voiced by Jolene Blalock (credited as "Jolene").

In Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, Robin Curtis took over the role of Lt. Saavik from Kirstie Alley. Director Leonard Nimoy instructed Curtis to portray Saavik as a full Vulcan, further neutralizing the idea that Saavik was half-Romulan. Like Saavik, T'Pol remains a full Vulcan since the plan to alter her history did not take place. This is probably the only positive of Star Trek: Enterprise season 5's cancelation.