Jean-Luc Picard Set An Unwanted Star Trek Record As The Captain Of 2 Different Starfleet Ships


In many ways, Patrick Stewart's performance as Captain Jean-Luc Picard was what made Star Trek: The Next Generation into the absolutely groundbreaking show it is to this day, but he has an unfortunate record in the franchise. From his "Earl Grey, hot" to Captain Picard's memetic facepalm when facing John de Lancie's Q, Stewart's character brought countless iconic moments to the Star Trek franchise. While Captain Picard might be, in some ways, the polar opposite of Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) from Star Trek: The Original Series, Jean-Luc Picard was nevertheless one of Starfleet's most impressive captains ever.

Jean-Luc Picard Set An Unwanted Star Trek Record As The Captain Of 2  Different Starfleet Ships

Of course, Captain Picard's Starfleet career was far from spotless. Like any lifelong Starfleet officer, Captain Picard had his share of mistakes and missteps over more than half a century as an officer. In the universe, Captain Picard's greatest controversies are, presumably, the Borg attack at Wolf 359, and his retirement over the Romulan supernova in Picard season 1. But more than one calamity occurred under Captain Picard's watch, and one particular incident actual set a record that remains unmatched in the rest of the complete Star Trek timeline.

Picard Is The Only Star Trek Captain Who Lost 2 Starships Back-To-Back

Both The USS Enterprise-D And The USS Stargazer

USS Enterprise D towing the Stargazer Star Trek TNG The Battle

Before he became the captain of Star Trek's USS Enterprise-D, Jean-Luc Picard began his tenure as a Starfleet captain on the USS Stargazer. After serving on numerous non-specified starships, a young Lieutenant Picard served as the helmsman on the Stargazer in 2333. When the Stargazer's captain and first officer were killed, Picard took command of the Stargazer and saved the ship. Starfleet Command was so impressed that they appointed Picard the new captain of the Stargazer, and he would hold that position for 22 years until the Stargazer was lost in the Battle of Maxia in 2355.

While other Starfleet captains have lost their ships, Captain Picard is the only Star Trek captain to lose two ships in a row.

Less than ten years later in 2363, Jean-Luc Picard would become captain of the USS Enterprise-D, Starfleet’s flagship, whose voyages are laid out in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Tragically, the Enterprise-D was also destroyed in 2371, after only 8 years under Picard's captaincy. This means that Captain Picard oversaw the destruction of two starships. Captain Picard took command of the USS Enterprise-E after this destruction, and he was promoted to Admiral only ten years later. While other Starfleet captains have lost their ships, Captain Picard is the only Star Trek captain to lose two ships in a row.

Why Losing 2 Starships Back-To-Back Wasn’t Picard’s Fault

Starfleet Doesn't Blame Picard, And Neither Should We

Star Trek TNG The Measure of a Man Courtroom

Obviously, losing even one starship is a tragedy for Starfleet. The TNG season 2 episode, "The Measure of a Man," revealed that the loss of a starship automatically mandates a court-martial for the ship's commanding officer. Although Captain Picard's actions in the Battle of Maxia were questioned at his court-martial, he was ultimately awarded the Grankite Order of Tactics for his performance in the battle, and his strategy was thereafter named "The Picard Maneuver."

The simple fact that Captain Picard was given command of the Federation's flagship so soon after the destruction of the Stargazer proves that Starfleet did not consider the ship's destruction to be his fault. Similarly, Starfleet presumably court-martialed Picard for losing the Enterprise-D, as per regulations. Although Star Trek does not show this second court-martial, the events following the ship's destruction make it clear that Starfleet does not blame Captain Picard. Once again, Captain Picard was given command of the flagship, in this case USS Enterprise-E.

It is likely Captain Picard's competence as a captain that led Starfleet to assign him more dangerous missions, where his starships were disproportionately likely to be destroyed.

So, although Captain Picard set a grim record by overseeing the destruction of two starships in a row, it is clear that Starfleet does not blame him. Indeed, it is likely Captain Picard's competence as a captain that led Starfleet to assign him more dangerous missions, where his starships were disproportionately likely to be destroyed.


Which Other Star Trek Captains Lost Their Starships

A Lot Of Ships Blow Up In Star Trek

USS Stargazer Star Trek TNG The Battle

While Captain Picard may have been the only Starfleet Captain to lose two starships back-to-back, he is far from the only Starfleet Captain to oversee the destruction of his ship. Indeed, whereas Captain Picard's two ships were destroyed despite his best efforts, some Star Trek captains triggered their own ships' self-destruct sequences. For example, Captain Kirk blew up USS Enterprise-A in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. Sure, he was backed into a corner, but the intentional loss of even one starship is surely as bad as Captain Picard's accidental loss of two.

Captain Kirk only set the USS Enterprise-A to self-destruct because it was the only alternative to surrendering the ship to the Klingon Empire.

Similarly, Captain Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) lost the original USS Defiant in season 7 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. In the nail-biting cliff-hanger finale of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2, Captain Marie Batel (Melanie Scrofano) lost USS Cayuga to the Gorn. Even Captain Worf (Michael Dorn), whose honor might easily have led him to want to go down with his ship, presumably lost the Enterprise-E, since it no longer existed by the start of Star Trek: Picard.

So, although the destruction of two starships was undeniably a black mark on Captain Jean-Luc Picard's Starfleet career, it is not like he was alone in losing a ship under his command. Ultimately, Captain Picard's eight-year mission on the Enterprise-D, as shown in Star Trek: The Next Generation, was more important and impactful in the complete Star Trek timeline than the destruction of two ships.