RHOBH Recap: Sutton Lashes Out After Erika Accuses Her of Mistreating “Women” at Their Lowest Point and Remains at Odds With Dorit, Plus Garcelle Grills Kyle Over Morgan and Boz Reveals Run-In With Mo and Woman


This week on “crazy yacht from hell,” The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills set sail for Sutton‘s trial, I mean a fun day of eating and drinking.  Bozoma’s best laid plans are once again crushed when Erika calls Sutton out for mistreating women.  Despite Sutton’s apology, Dorit is not ready to accept and move on and Garcelle wonders why Sutton is begging for a friendship with Kyle.

RHOBH Recap: Sutton Lashes Out After Erika Accuses Her of Mistreating Her and Costars During Their Lowest Point and Remains at Odds With Dorit as Garcelle Grills Kyle Over Morgan and Boz Reveals Run-In With Mo and His Girlfriend

The Saint Lucia trip is so cute because Boz has these intentions for a peaceful, fun girls’ trip, but then Dorit speaks and it’s like, nah.  While Sutton preps to wear “vodka tonight,” Garcelle and Kyle unknowingly wind up twinning in the same dress, ala Kyle and Lisa Rinna. How funny that at one point, Garcelle called Kyle’s style hideous and now here they are…

As they settle in for dinner, Dorit shares that she doesn’t like getting naked in front of PK, which makes her bestie, Boz, question their intimacy-literally and figuratively. Jennifer, as always, has a crazy tale about her naked stint on Broadway and it really gets you thinking, just how many lives has this woman lived??

Just when the dinner seems like it is off to a positive start, Dorit opts to tell Sutton that she has been “mean-spirited” towards her the last few months.  Sutton reminds Dorit that all the women have failed each other at some point, so this is not all her fault. Sutton always seems to go lower during any attempt to converse.  Kyle and Jennifer jump in to state that Sutton truly did want a “sisterhood,” the buzzword that is most certainly haunting Sutton this season.

Erika points out that Sutton always means what she says, even if it is something nasty, but Sutton refuses to get “beat with a stick.” Dorit is tired of Sutton trying to become a victim every time someone questions her, which is interesting because, in the words of Garcelle, when did Dorit become an “accountability guru?”

Sutton gives a heartfelt apology for telling Dorit “you need to pick on somebody else whose wallet fits” and states that it was a bad thing to say. Of course, Dorit doesn’t like Sutton’s passive aggressiveness, which makes Dorit in turn sound passive aggressive. Boz jumps in to point out that Sutton is truly apologizing and it’s refreshing that Boz is correcting Dorit.  It seems like the group tends to wonder what the truth is with Sutton: the low blows or the apologies.

Dorit discusses the “joke” about Sutton’s drink and corrects herself, calling it a comment. She claims that if Sutton had not called her a b*tch, she would have apologized sooner. Boz acts as the mediator and Kyle gets in on the action, thanking Boz for being a true girls’ girl.

You see, Boz was seated across from Mo and his girl (one of his girls?) and immediately left Kyle a 3 minute “podcast,” dishing on all she saw, including how not cute this girl is. This proves that Boz has Kyle’s back, despite their rocky start. It also proves that Mo is truly moving on, which does not surprise Kathy in the least.

Garcelle wants to support Kyle, but she is confused why everyone tiptoes around the Morgan/Kyle of it all. She wonders if Kyle is being supported in “that way” by Morgan, and if that’s the case and then the ladies can back off. Erika points out that no one knows about Garcelle’s personal life and that maybe Garcelle’s roster peaked in her early years.  #shade. Kyle denies any situation with Morgan, but Jennifer feels like Kyle loves to tease the press a little bit.  I mean, why DOES the paparazzi always seem to know where Kyle is? When Sutton does not speak up, it is clear that she has an infatuation with Kyle and Garcelle is annoyed Sutton didn’t have her back in this scenario.

After dinner, Erika, Dorit, and Boz debrief.  Dorit is obsessed with the whole sisterhood of Sutton and she feels like Sutton is being hypocritical.  Boz disagrees and thinks Dorit railroaded Sutton when she came with her apology.  Dorit believes that Sutton is now trying to save face, but Boz wants Dorit to acknowledge the apology. Boz is learning that Dorit has a challenge with giving and receiving apologies.

Meanwhile, Sutton is gaga that Kyle actually stepped in to defend her from Dorit.  She is thrilled that she can say Kyle is her friend now. Garcelle is irked by this, wondering why Sutton was shaking Kyle down for answers last year and now, all of a sudden, Sutton has blindfolds on when it comes to Kyle. Garcelle is frustrated that Sutton is so super protective of Kyle, even though Kyle is not a great friend to her. Is Garcelle jealous or is she just sick of Sutton flip-flopping? Either way I think we can all agree that Garcelle has been a good friend to Sutton.

The next morning, Garcelle states that she was frustrated and Sutton refers to it as their first fight. Garcelle is tired of tiptoeing around Kyle and she is confused why Sutton did not have her back at the dinner table. Garcelle is sick of not being able to say ANYTHING about Morgan and wonders how she can ever have a friendship with Kyle if she won’t open up.

On top of that, Sutton states this is not the first time she has heard Mo has been at the restaurant with that girl Boz saw.  Sutton wants Kyle to know that Mo is really dating and their marriage ship has sailed.

Speaking of ships, viewing Boz and Kathy’s boat outfits next to each other is hilarious.  Kyle is ready to choose peace as they board the boat, despite her awkwardness with Garcelle and Jennifer shares how rich she is again, displaying her one of a kind Dolce and Gabbana earrings.

Dorit and Kyle chat about sisters, while Sutton unknowingly gets thrown to battle.  She addresses her apology to Dorit, but Erika points out that Sutton can be “not the most compassionate” as women navigate rocky parts of their lives. Erika explains that Sutton poses as a friend and works as enemy, mistreating women. She has seen Sutton do this to Dorit, Kyle, and herself and she wonders if Sutton has some type of explanation for this behavior.

Sutton is not happy with Erika’s allegation, but Erika claims Sutton’s “I want to help you, I feel bad for you” schtick is getting old.  Erika has Sutton’s number and asserts that Sutton is kicking Dorit when she is down.  On cue, Kyle and Dorit join the group just as Sutton refuses to be told she is a terrible person. Didn’t Sutton throw Erika a pizza party??  

Erika tries clarify that she meant Sutton mistreats the women IN THIS GROUP, not all women in the world.  Kyle, once again, does not step in to defend Sutton and Garcelle sees this.

 Sutton wonders “what do you f*cking want from me?” as she is unsure where to go next. She is sick of getting blamed for everything.  In her confessional, Sutton warns, “Don’t make me into your enemy.  Trust me.” Sutton wants the group to pick on somebody else and despite Dorit’s claims, refuses to believe she has picked on anyone at all.  Dorit tells Sutton that maybe if she speaks English she would understand better.  In turn, Sutton does a hilarious fake British accent to accommodate Dorit’s comprehension.

Sutton is through with Dorit and does not want to move forward.  Dorit points out it is the first time Sutton’s words and actions match.  When Sutton excuses herself, Garcelle does not jump to defend her friend this time, as she is backing off a bit. In the words of Kathy Hilton, “the boat rides are not working.” To be continued…