Despite starting the show as friends, Rick and Shane's relationship deteriorated throughout The Walking Dead's first two seasons, and one subtle insult from Shane about the protagonist has aged horrendously. Although Rick is still alive over a decade into the apocalypse and has led plenty of communities during his journey, he wasn't always so competent. The protagonist undoubtedly learned from his mistakes, leading to some of Rick's best Walking Dead moments, but he was much more naive and optimistic in the early days of the outbreak, something Shane was happy to point out in an almost dismissive nature.
While talking to Lori in season 2, episode 7, Shane claims, "See Rick, he ain't built for this world." Both men believed they were fit to lead the group and had their own ideas about how to survive, but Shane clearly didn't think his former friend was cut out for life among the undead based on some of Rick's previous decisions. However, given Shane's Walking Dead death came less than half a season later, he was the one who was unable to adapt to the new world, and Rick's story ever since has made his partner's words age badly.
Rick Surviving The CRM & Reuniting With His Family Proves Shane Wrong About Being Built For The New World
Although Rick has proven Shane wrong regarding his comments on numerous occasions, his CRM survival and reuniting with his family is the ultimate example of the protagonist being cut out for the apocalypse. Given Rick ended up killing Shane to keep the group safe, it was already obvious that he was willing to make the hard choices, but surviving years in CRM captivity and still finding a way to escape shows how well-adapted he became. Rick continued to resist the military regime for years and, although he showed some signs of weakness, he eventually found his freedom.
Andrew Lincoln returned to The Walking Dead as Rick Grimes in February 2024 after leaving the franchise in 2018.
It may have taken Michonne's help, but his mental toughness to defy one of The Walking Dead's most powerful villains for so long is something very few other characters would be able to do. Shane's insult suggested Rick would crumble in the face of adversity and struggle to do what it takes to survive, yet the opposite is true. Rick has come out on top in many confrontations and was clearly willing to do whatever it took to see his family as his CRM battle showcased, confirming that Shane's season 2 opinion couldn't be more wrong.
Rick Is Arguably The Most Well-Adjusted Survivor In The Entire Franchise
He Has Retained His Humanity Despite Suffering Extreme Loss
The Walking Dead has no shortage of strong survivors, but few have managed to prove as capable as Rick Grimes. Alongside managing to unite polarizing personalities and lead entire communities, Rick has overcome some of the most challenging obstacles a person can face in the apocalypse. Despite losing several loved ones - including his wife and son - Rick has managed to maintain his sanity, despite going through some dark arcs. His murder beard phase would have been hard to come back from for most other survivors, yet Rick made peace with his demons and even spared his biggest enemy.
Even after everything he has been through, Rick still possesses traits of the family man he was before the outbreak while developing the necessary attributes to survive and protect his loved ones.
He may have killed plenty of people and made some incredibly tough decisions, but Rick has held on to his humanity, proving how strongly he adjusted to the new world. The protagonist is still one of the most dangerous characters in The Walking Dead universe and is a force to be reckoned with, but he also has visions of building something meaningful and uses his skills for good. Even after everything he has been through, Rick still possesses traits of the family man he was before the outbreak while developing the necessary attributes to survive and protect his loved ones.
Shane’s Line About Rick Sums Up The Protagonist’s Walking Dead Journey
Rick Has Managed To Overcome The Odds & Prove People Wrong Ever Since The Outbreak Started
Shane's season 2 line about Rick is a strong reflection of the protagonist's journey throughout the show, as he is always proving people wrong. In addition to Shane, characters like The Governor, Gareth, Joe, Negan, and even Major General Beale all underestimated Rick and his desire to make the world a better place. They thought they'd be able to take Rick down or make him join their cause, but instead, the main character continued to fight against the odds. Despite circumstances constantly being against Rick and his group, he never backed down or gave up for good.
At times, his confidence was low and he lacked belief, but he always found a way to rise up and influence those around him. As a result, he has become one of the most iconic Walking Dead characters and is idolized by his allies, who still think about him years after his disappearance. Shane's claim that he wasn't cut out for this world feels symbolic of Rick's overall character, as no matter how many people question his leadership or survival qualities, he always proves them wrong in the end, which is why he's such an important part of the franchise.