Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Deserves More Credit For A Huge Canon Creation



  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine shaped the future of Star Trek by introducing iconic characters, narratives, and concepts that are still relevant today.
  • DS9 broke away from the Star Trek norm by taking place on a space station, adding depth to the allegorical sci-fi franchise.
  • Section 31, introduced in DS9, provided a darker narrative to Star Trek, sparking interest and plot twists in future projects like Star Trek: Discovery.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Deserves More Credit For A Huge Canon Creation

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is responsible for a huge canon creation that is shaping the future of Star Trek. Filling the space left behind by the ending of Star Trek: The Next Generation wasn't easy, but Star Trek: Deep Space Nine proved it could handle the challengeDS9 introduced iconic characters, concepts, and narratives that would outlast the show, which eventually ended in 1999. Upcoming Star Trek TV shows and movies, Star Trek: Discovery, and Star Trek: Into Darkness owe a lot to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is often considered the most political Star Trek project to date by adding more depth to the allegorical sci-fi franchise. Additionally, DS9's setting breaks away from the Star Trek norm — the majority of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine takes place on a space station rather than a starship, such as the famed Starship Enterprise. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was more than how it differed from previous Star Trek shows, and it deserves way more credit for one of its biggest and longest-lasting creations.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Introduced Section 31

The shadowy section of Starfleet was interesting and often controversial

Section 31 is first introduced in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 6 episode "Inquisition." Chief Medical Officer Dr. Julian Bashir (Alexander Siddig) is accused of being a spy and learns about Section 31, and he then questions the legality and ethics of the operation. The shadowy section of Starfleet was a fascinating add-on to the extensive canon lore about the United Federation of Planets. Still, some fans were skeptical of the dark narrative because it contradicted the peaceful utopia created by Gene Roddenberry.

The secretive organization resembled those that don't promote peace, and some fans didn't take well to the fact that Section 31 would protect Starfleet by any means necessary, even if those means didn't support Star Trek 's core philosophy.

Section 31 remained a recurring presence in the sixth and seventh seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and eventually featured in several key episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise in the early 2000s. Some argue that Section 31 was meant to create balance and add a dose of realism to the peaceful Federation, but others disagree. The secretive organization resembled those that don't promote peace, and some fans didn't take well to the fact that Section 31 would protect Starfleet by any means necessary, even if those means didn't support Star Trek's core philosophy.

Section 31 was created by Ira Steven Behr, executive producer for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Section 31 Contributed To Star Trek: Discovery’s Early Success

The mystery behind Section 31 boosted interest in Star Trek: Discovery

Section 31's comeback in Star Trek: Into Darkness proved the naysayers right. Section 31 is led by Admiral Alexander Marcus (Peter Weller), the film's ill-guided villain. Starfleet under Section 31 control is depicted as a military operation, confirming many concerns about Section 31 in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. However, after Star Trek: Discovery ended over a decade-long Star Trek TV drought, Section 31 made another colossal comeback. Star Trek: Discovery seaosn 2 gave insight into Section 31's questionable beliefs and motives, but Star Trek: Discovery portrayed Section 31 as a more nuanced organization than previous projects.

Section 31 has contributed to some of Star Trek 's greatest plot twists and provided the other side of Starfleet's utopia.

Star Trek: Discovery's nuanced portrayal made Section 31 a more popular concept, eventually leading to the upcoming Star Trek: Section 31 movie. Even before Star Trek: Discoverythe role of Section 31 in the last three decades of Star Trek can't be understated. Section 31 has contributed to some of Star Trek's greatest plot twists and provided the other side of Starfleet's utopia. While it's not always the most popular concept among fans, Section 31 gave Star Trek: Deep Space Nine even greater complexity and contributed to the present and future of more Star Trek projects.