Star Trek Reveals Picard’s Mars Attack Caused A Tragedy For 1 Unexpected Character



  • Star Trek: Prodigy has revealed that Zero lost out on a new body due to Star Trek: Picard's Mars Attack.
  • Prodigy season 2 added this heart-wrenching layer to an already catastrophic Star Trek universe tragedy.
  • Zero can still get an android body, but not until the 25th century when the synth ban is lifted.

Star Trek Reveals Picard's Mars Attack Caused A Tragedy For 1 Unexpected  Character

Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 revealed another tragedy of the Mars Attack from Star Trek: Picard that hinges on one unexpected character. Although Prodigy has mainly taken inspiration from Star Trek: Voyagerseason 2 revealed two huge connections to Star Trek: The Next Generation and Picard. One of these connections was the return of Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton), who acted as an advisor for Prodigy's cast of characters throughout the season. The other was the reveal that season 2 was set around the same time as the Romulan evacuation and subsequent Mars Attack featured in Picard season 1.

Since its introduction, the Mars Attack has become a hugely significant event in the Star Trek timeline, resulting in several universe-altering events including the Federation's ban on synthetic life. Having the tragedy foreshadowed throughout Prodigy season 2 added another layer to the season for audiences who understood what was coming. Several scenes in particular hit harder than they would have under normal circumstances, including one in Prodigy season 2, episode 15, "Ascension, Part 1" featuring the character of Zero (Angus Imrie).

Star Trek: Picard’s Mars Attack Is Even More Tragic For Prodigy's Zero

Zero lost out on a new body because of the Attack on Mars

Picard's Mars Attack means that Zero will be unable to get an android body. Zero went through an intense journey during Prodigy season 2, starting when they were gifted a corporeal body from a planet that the crew stopped at on their journey to find Captain Chakotay (Robert Beltran). This was a huge leap forward for Zero, but once they left the planet, the body began to break down. During "Ascension," Zero discussed the possibility of getting a synthetic body with the Doctor (Robert Picardo) and the two made plans to contact the Daystrom Institute to get the ball rolling.

As a Medusan, Zero used a fully technological containment suit to be able to move around, but their corporeal body allowed them to experience sensations for the first time.

However, thanks to the Federation's synthetics ban, Zero's dreams will be short-lived. Prodigy season 2 didn't actually show the enactment of the synth ban, but Picard indicated that it came into effect not long after the Mars Attack. In the post-Prodigy season 2 timeline, the Daystrom Institute's synthetics program will be shut down and all research and development on androids will be suspendedPicard season 1 showed the multiple tragedies that resulted from this, but Prodigy season 2 has added to that tragedy list with the loss of Zero's chance at an android body.

Zero Can Get An Android Body - But Not Until Picard's 25th Century

Zero is going to be waiting a while for a synth body

A collage of the F8 synth, Soji Asha, and Commodore Oh from Star Trek: Picard season 1.

Luckily, Zero's dream of getting a new body hasn't been crushed completely; it will just be a long time before they can make that dream a reality. Thanks to Picard season 1, the synthetic ban was lifted around 2400 after Admiral Picard (Patrick Stewart) and the crew of La Sirena managed to prove that the attack had been orchestrated by Romulan infiltration of Starfleet. With the ban out of the way in the 25th century, Zero has every right to request a new synthetic body to replace the containment suit they moved back into during Prodigy season 2.

Zero won't have to wait forever for their dream of becoming corporeal again to be realized, but the fact that it will take so long when they've already had a taste of that freedom is truly heartbreaking.

However, Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 is set during the early 2380s, meaning that Zero will have to wait almost 20 years for the synth ban to be lifted. Of course, Zero will likely be a high-ranking Starfleet officer by the 25th century, meaning that they should have no trouble getting an android body similar to the one Picard received. Zero won't have to wait forever for their dream of becoming corporeal again to be realized, but the fact that it will take so long when they've already had a taste of that freedom is truly heartbreaking.