Star Trek’s ultimate super weapon just got a massive upgrade, one that threatens to reshape the universe. Introduced during the epic Day of Blood event, the Bajoran Orb of Destruction played a huge role in the crossover before falling into Lore’s hands. The android has sinister plans for the Orb, plans that are slowly coming into focus. In Star Trek #24, the Orb gets a terrifying upgrade.
Star Trek #24 is written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly and drawn by Megan Levens. The issue opens with a text piece, made to resemble a journal entry by the Klingon mad scientist Korath. Korath entered Lore’s service shortly after the latter obtained the Orb, and began tampering with it. Korath increased its anti-tachyon output, making it more powerful.
Ominously, Korath describes the Orb’s effects as like a “virus” that can destroy and rewrite reality.
Korath concludes that whoever possesses the Orb would be god-like.
The Bajoran Orbs Are Some of Star Trek's Most Mysterious Objects
The Orb of Destruction Is Making Life Miserable for Everyone in the Star Trek Universe
The Bajoran Orbs, the first of which was introduced in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’s premiere episode, are objects of great power, sent to the Bajoran people by the Prophets. The Prophets, non-linear aliens who reside in the Wormhole, are venerated by the Bajoran People. Deep Space Nine established there were several Orbs, but only a few made it to the screen. The Orb of Destruction, introduced in 2023’s Star Trek #5, became the touchstone for Kahless’ campaign of genocide against the gods, as detailed in the aforementioned Day of Blood.
Day of Blood, first published by IDW in 2023, was the culmination of a year’s worth of buildup. Kahless was defeated in his crusade against the galaxy’s god-like beings, and his Red Path was left in shambles. Lore took over its remnants and absconded with the Orb of Destruction. In Star Trek #23, Lore used the Orb of Destruction to eradicate the gods and destroy their home dimension of the Pleroma. IDW has announced The Lore War, a massive crossover event coming in early 2025 that will see Lore rewrite reality in his image.
The Orb of Destruction Outdoes the Genesis Device
The Orb Has Destroyed the Star Trek Universe
The Orb of Destruction, which became the tool of Lore’s vengeance, bears more than a passing resemblance to another powerful Star Trek weapon: the Genesis Device. Introduced in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, this piece of technology could create “life from death.” When detonated, the Genesis Device essentially restructures matter around it at the subatomic level, in theory, creating life. Needless to say, the Genesis Device became a flashpoint for controversy, and research into it was abandoned by ethical scientists. A newer model, christened Genesis II, was seen in Picard’s third season.
Kahless’ crusade against the gods was motivated by hubris and pride, but Lore is much smarter and more ambitious than that.
The Bajoran Orb of Destruction has arrived to destroy the Star Trek universe, putting it in a class beyond the Genesis Device. While the two work on the same principle, the Orb is functioning on a much larger scale: the entire universe. Despite their similar, nihilistic goals, Lore sees the bigger picture. Kahless’ crusade against the gods was motivated by hubris and pride, but Lore is much smarter and more ambitious than that. Lore saw the potential in the Bajoran Orb of Destruction, and gave it an upgrade that could potentially destroy the Star Trek universe.