Star Trek shares Doctor Crusher’s heartbreaking Starfleet secret that no one saw coming. Doctor Crusher is one of Starfleet’s best Chief Medical Officers, and even headed up Starfleet Medical. However, these achievements come with a tragic backstory: she lost her husband in an accident, leaving her a single mom. While Crusher has overcome this loss, it still haunts her, and she makes a stunning confession in Star Trek #27.
Star Trek #27 is written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly and drawn by Mike Feehan and Tess Fowler. As the Theseus’ crew struggles to hold it together in the wake of Lore’s destruction of the multiverse, Doctor Crusher and Captain Sisko have a discussion about their pasts. Crusher equates her late husband, Jack, with Sisko’s deceased wife, Jennifer. Crusher then confesses that after Jack’s death, she had trouble trusting Starfleet, saying “they took everything from me.” Instead, Doctor Crusher learned to lean on her friends. Crusher then relates her dilemma to Sisko’s ongoing tempestuous relationship with the Bajoran Prophets.
Doctor Crusher's Tragic Star Trek Arc, Explained
Doctor Crusher Has Lost A Great Deal While Serving in Starfleet
Given Doctor Crusher’s extensive service record, it would seem safe to assume she is loyal to Starfleet, which makes her confession to Captain Sisko in Star Trek #27 a bit jarring.
Losing Wesley Affected Doctor Crusher More Than Fans Thought
It Is Not Hard to Understand Why Doctor Crusher Does Not Trust Starfleet
Doctor Crusher is a Survivor
The Pain Over Her Husband's Death Disillusioned Doctor Crusher
Yet IDW’s Star Trek comics have made it clear that Doctor Crusher did feel pain in the wake of Wesley’s departure, one compounded by the rules of the Travelers, which state they cannot visit family and friends. It is another loss Doctor Crusher has suffered, yet she continues to serve in Starfleet. Her confession to Sisko in Star Trek #27 gives insight into how she survived both the loss of her husband and son. It is heartbreaking to hear Doctor Crusher say she does not trust Starfleet, but her arc shows she is justified in saying so.
Star Trek #27 is on sale now from IDW Publishing!