Star Trek’s Next Show Can Save Discovery’s Detmer & Owosekun



  • Star Trek: Starfleet Academy offers a chance to bring back underrated Discovery characters Keyla Detmer and Joann Owosekun.
  • The show's setting allows for character development and mentorship opportunities for Detmer and Owosekun.
  • Discovery left untapped potential for Detmer and Owosekun's character development, which Starfleet Academy could remedy.

Star Trek's Next Show Can Save Discovery's Detmer & Owosekun

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy is the perfect chance to bring back Keyla Detmer (Emily Coutts) and Joann Owosekun (Oyin Oladejo), two of Star Trek: Discovery's most underrated characters. Discovery's series finale premiered in May 2024, rounding out its impressive run with an action-packed 10 episodes. Although the finale tied up loose ends, certain characters, like Detmer and Owosekun, were conspicuously absent from the rest of the season, due in part to Discovery's unexpected cancelation after much of season 5 was filmed.

Although the lack of Detmer, Owosekun, and other characters like Saru (Doug Jones) was disappointing in Discovery season 5, the Star Trek franchise has a chance to right these wrongs with the upcoming Star Trek: Starfleet Academy. Set in the 32nd century, Starfleet Academy will follow a cast of cadets at the eponymous school, featuring new faces and equally new threats. Not much is known yet about Starfleet Academy, but some tantalizing casting details like Holly Hunter and Paul Giamatti have already been released, and the show's setting is the perfect opportunity to bring back several characters from Discovery cast.

Detmer & Owosekun Are Perfect For Star Trek: Starfleet Academy

Starfleet Academy needs more Star Trek: Discovery characters

A collage of Emily Coutts as Keyla Detmer and Oyi Oladejo as Joann Owosekun from Star Trek: Discovery.

If Starfleet Academy is going to act as the spiritual successor to Discovery, the show would do well to bring back Detmer and Owosekun as part of its main cast. It has been all but confirmed that Sylvia Tilly (Mary Wiseman) will be returning to her role as instructor at the Academy, and Discovery season 5 teased that Tilly is hoping to start a mentor program, pairing cadets with experienced officers in the hopes that it will boost student enrollment and retention. If this plan comes to fruition in Starfleet Academy season 1, Detmer and Owosekun are prime mentor candidates.

Detmer and Owosekun never achieved the full narrative potential that Discovery teased for them, but Starfleet Academy is another chance for both characters to be fully fleshed out.

During their time on Discovery, Detmer and Owosekun proved that they are both excellent officers with a lot to offer in their given fields. However, Discovery also often sidelines the two characters and the other members of the USS Discovery's bridge crew in favor of focusing on Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green). Detmer and Owosekun never achieved the full narrative potential that Discovery teased for them, but Starfleet Academy is another chance for both characters to be fully fleshed out. Detmer and Owosekun would excel as part of Starfleet Academy's main cast given how Discovery already set up them up.

What Star Trek: Discovery Revealed About Detmer & Owosekun So Far

Discovery left Detmer and Owo's future wide-open

Despite less fleshed-out backstories compared to some characters, Discovery revealed a fair amount about Detmer and Owosekun during its five-season run. Detmer's defining characteristic was her exceptional piloting skills, while Owosekun demonstrated that she was top-level Opperations officer during her time on the bridge. Discovery also showed glimpses of both women's personal lives, including their close friendship with each other. Season 3 provided the show's most well-rounded storylines for Detmer and Owosekun, but both characters generally played small but important roles in other seasons.

However, Discovery left enormous potential untapped for Detmer and Owosekun's character development, something that Starfleet Academy could remedy. Given that Discovery already had replacements for both women on the bridge in season 5, the two could end up being entirely free to be part of Tilly's mentor program, a storyline that would help expand on their professional achievements and personal goals. Including Detmer and Owosekun in Star Trek: Starfleet Academy would also help carrying on Discovery's legacy in Star Trek, something that is needed after the show's final season.