The Walking Dead: Dead City Season 2 Trailer Finds Negan Taking Control Of A Lawless New York As He & Maggie Reunite


A new trailer for The Walking Dead: Dead City season 2 has been released, teasing Negan taking over a Lawless New York as he and Maggie reunite. Dead City season 1 ended with Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) agreeing to help the Dama (Lisa Emery) unite Manhattan under her rule. In the meantime, Maggie (Lauren Cohan) has decided to return to New York to save Negan, feeling guilty for trading him to get Hershel (Logan Kim) back. The pair are expected to go back together in search of the former antagonist to get him back to the mainland.

The Walking Dead: Dead City Season 2 Trailer Finds Negan Taking Control Of  A Lawless New York As He & Maggie Reunite

Now, The Walking Dead has released a trailer for Dead City season 2, teasing Negan stepping into a leadership role for the Burazi. The trailer begins with Maggie returning to Manhattan, crossing Perlie Armstrong (Gaius Charles) and seemingly asking him why he wants to bring back the city. Meanwhile, Negan is fitting into his role as a menacing leader, though teasing his alliance with the Dama and the Croat (Željko Ivanek) remains nothing but an obligation. He shocks someone who grabs his new Lucille bat, while someone blasts a flamethrower into a crowd.

Kim Coates' new character, Bruegel, is also seen at a table with the Dama, the Croat, Negan, and several other people, the layout reminiscent of Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper. It also confirms Maggie, Hershel, and Perlie will be working together, while she wants to ensure her son remains safe despite how much he wants to help. Flashes tease Maggie in a new zombie arena, Negan screaming while being held down in a chair, and a bear attacking. The final shot sees Maggie wielding Lucille before the trailer ends. Check out the full trailer below:

What Dead City Season 2's Official Trailer Says About The New Episodes

Maggie's New Rescue Mission Promises More Twists & Turns

Maggie looking serious with a group of people behind her in The Walking Dead Dead City season 2

The Walking Dead: Dead City season 2 is promising a much bigger story, sporting eight episodes to expand upon post-apocalyptic Manhattan. While Maggie is there to save Negan, who is now working under the Dama's iron fist, Perlie has also returned at the behest of the Perfect (Jasmin Walker), who wants to learn about turning zombies into ethanol to power the New Babylon Federation. Bruegel also appears to have lots of power over the city, something that could shake up even more dynamics going forward.

As for Maggie and Negan, their dynamic promises to have more development, since her rescue mission could grow complicated due to his new role under the Dama. She's still threatening to go to the Bricks and kill Hershel if he doesn't comply with her demands. However, since Maggie's son and the city leader are seen together in the trailer, some shifting alliances could be transpiring. But, since there's clearly going to be many new elements introduced to the world, there's no way of knowing how everyone will interact as events play out.


Our Take On Dead City Season 2's New Trailer

New Threats Mean New Challenges For Maggie & Negan

Bruegel in the middle of a table mirroring The Last Supper in The Walking Dead Dead City season 2

Since Bruegel is poised to be a major new threat as the Dama's operations across Manhattan continue, allegiances seem like they'll get messy during Maggie's rescue mission. However, her focus appears to be on ending the conflict she's had with Negan for over a decade, which could involve anything from setting aside their differences to letting a spark of revenge take control. Either way, The Walking Dead: Dead City season 2's trailer promises an exciting follow-up that will be even bigger than its predecesor.