Would Mike Tyson’s performance in his match in 1986 against José Ribalta be an indication of how he would’ve fought and beaten Tyson Fury?


Most probably yes — given that Ribalta was approximately the same height as Fury. Although Fury claims to be 6ft 9” tall — this is likely a slight exaggeration & his true height is closer to 6ft 7”.

But plus or minus a couple of inches here or there won’t make a difference to prime Tyson — he was very accustomed to boxing taller opponents . At 6ft 6” tall, Ribalta was a real beanpole & also towered over Tyson.

From Tyson’s perspective— it was business as usual. Dodge the incoming, close the gap, get underneath the giant’s guard & pound the body. By & large prime Tyson’s peekaboo worked a treat against Jose & as early as the 2nd round — he scored a heavy knockdown…

One area where it may actually be easier for Mike against Fury — is Fury’s suspect conditioning. Fury often comes in very soft with poor muscle tone & this lack of conditioning is unlikely to help his punch resistance… OTOH, Ribalta was well conditioned & proved to be as tough as old nails & absorbed some frightening punishment.

Hypothetically speaking, from Fury’s perspective— he will do his utmost to spoil & smother Iron Mike. This is his best survival tactic— similar to Bonecrusher Smith (top right image) in 1987. Can he pull off another 12 round hug & mug survival job ? Maybe, maybe not but the onus is all on Mike — to make this a fight !

In terms of physical strength & grappling capability— I think Fury is Bonecrusher’s equal. So there is a chance — he can survive until the final bell by using such a negative & boring strategy.