This is a Packers blog, but this blog isn't really about the Packers. Sometimes, when the moment calls for it, it's important to expand one's boundaries and take a leap of faith. And when the opportunity to make fun of the New York Giants shows up at your door, that's the moment calling to you.
Perhaps no one knows this more than Packers safety Xavier McKinney. McKinney, you'll remember, started his career in New York before signing with Green Bay last offseason. You'll also remember that he proceeded to put up one of the best seasons of any defensive player in the NFL last season, which probably would have gotten more attention if not for Saquon Barkley's insane year.And while I'm pretty sure that McKinney isn't exactly having second thoughts about his decision to leave the Giants, it's not surprising to see him react to some of the moves that they're making this offseason. One of those in particular – giving Jevon Holland a big ol' contract – was curiously timed with McKinney's latest tweet.
Xavier McKinney is maybe roasting the Giants On The Web, and frankly, he's got a point
"You thought last season was impressive," he said. "… okay bet watch this , you ain’t seen sh-- yet."
Now before you get mad at me for taking arguably the biggest leap of logic that you've read all day, let me say that I probably agree with you that this is, at the most, only slightly related to the move. On the surface, this is just something that you see from pro athletes all the time, especially in the offseason; you're not truly in the lab working unless you tweet about being in the lab working. This is more than likely standard offseason fare, and nothing to get all that worked up about.
But, if you wanted it to be, this could be Offseason Shade. The timing is, admittedly, curious. And could you really blame him for feeling a tiny bit slighted that the Giants were suddenly very willing to hand out big money for a safety who objectively is not as good? Nothing fuels the offseason like some good ol' fashioned pettiness. (Plus, if it's not petty, that makes this tweet kinda boring.)
So the choice is yours: scroll past this tweet and think nothing of it, or imagine a world where he's making fun of the New York Giants. I know what I'm choosing.